Spilled Milk

posted on: Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It is such a treat and joy to be a contributor on this new photography project. 18 moms from around the world, all of us finding together, each week, the beauty and craziness that comes with parenthood. I love looking for my interpretation of each week's theme from simple moments in my home alongside these amazing moms and artists. When you visit the project you can see our first week was "warmth" and this current week is "meal." Looking forward to the many weeks ahead. 

Follow along with us at  Spilled Milk 


7 thoughts:

  1. I love it -- what an awesome project.

  2. I. LOVE. THIS!!! What a cool idea!!

  3. I LOVE this project!!!! I'd love to be a part of something like this in the future. You have a beautiful family and adorable kids!!

  4. Such an amazing idea.


  5. Your graphic reminded me of the book - It Looked like Spilt Milk.

    Anyway, this opportunity sounds amazing - and lucky you was picked!

  6. this project is so cool! :)

  7. I just found your blog a little while ago and took some time to catch up. I love your posts! You haven't posted in a while though! Get to posting girl :)

    Kristina, from Blogging About Babies Baby Blog


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