Trausch Family Part 1

posted on: Friday, February 8, 2013

Last Sunday, I spent the morning at my sweet friend, Beth's house and took some pictures of her beautiful family, 3 year old daughter Hanelia and precious new baby girl, Eva. (I'm in love with her, she is like a little china doll! Swoon.) We had so much fun and my heart enjoyed every second! I took a ton of images, way too many to post, but these are some of my favorites. Beth is seriously so gorgeous and she makes the most beautiful little girls!  Love you Beth! Thanks for letting me play and click away!  

19 thoughts:

  1. these are so sweet. i'm sure they'll treasure all these photos for yearsto come

  2. These are so lovely! If I lived closer, I would SO want you to take pics of my family. You truly capture the love and joy in such a beautiful way.

  3. these are great!! You have such a creative eye !! :D

    God bless!

  4. Oh they're beautiful! And so are the photo's:-)

  5. What a beautiful family. And I agree that there's no reason for a mama to give up her style. :)

  6. Beautiful photos, you were able to capture the love between all four of them!

  7. Gorgeous photos - love the setting. Casual family photos capturing day to day interactions are the best.

  8. I adore the second and sixth. Images that will be treasured for sure <3

  9. I love the black and white Mama one :) Inspiring work :)

  10. Oh wow these pictures are amazing! I love them!!

    Bump to Baby

  11. Wow! These are absolutely adorable!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. all is love in these pictures

  14. ohmygosh, i can't get enough, this couple is screaming gorgeous.


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