
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Peek Into Our Day

Fall is finally here! It seems like we've had to wait a little extra long here in the Carolinas for it to dance it's way over our way! Sweaters in the morning, windows open in the afternoon and candles lit as you sip on a mug of apple cider! Hello Fall!

We had some nice, sleepy and play time outside today! I took Káel outside to explore the woods. Showed him colored leaves and let him listen to the settling of nature as the sun started to set.

I love these green stripped leggings!

Wee little toes!

It amazes me how much he has changed in a month! Somebody's getting a little chunky... ;)

One thing I have to say about m'boy is that he is SUPER expressive, and a very dramatic dreamer. Sam and I will just watch him to be entertained as he looks around, listens and takes in life.


  1. That's so sweet :) I'm dreaming of a walk in the woods during fall... unfortunately it's spring here in Oz. So very jealous of your changing leaves! :)

  2. your very blessed with a great baby boy!! He is very cute!!

  3. He is adorable! I love his eyes! I love Carolina falls! Hopefully we'll have a long one this year! My Teagan loves to be outside and this is the perfect weather for it!

  4. Oh my goodness...those little toes! And I love those leggings! Where did you get them? Fall just hit us here as well, and I'm loving watching the colors change.

  5. your little one is a gem :) sending you some love from


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