
Friday, October 8, 2010

5 Weeks

Trees and leaves are some of my favorite things in the world! In the spring, I stick flowers up in my locks and in the fall, colored leaves take their place. Last year, I actually threaded the stem of fall leaves through my ears and twisted it around the base to secure it-thus, making completely raw, fall leaf earrings. Ha!

This year, as the leaves have started to change into a crayon box of colors, I have been looking forward to showing Káel his first bits of the season. He seemed quite fascinated. His momma is a lady of seems he's following in my footsteps! ;)

The little Forest man is wearing Kate Quinn Organics yoga pants and is lounging on a Luna Lullaby swaddling blanket. Which, by the way are THE best in my opinion!

He started cooing and smiling at his toys on his bouncer yesterday afternoon. He was fascinated and utterly entertained!

It is so amazing looking at life through a little soul's new eyes. Everything is new, exciting and never before experienced. I'm finding that my little guy is an inspiration to me. Settling into familiarity can sometimes hide all the beauty and crazy awesomeness of a moment. It's like I'm getting to learn life all over again with Káel. An adventure indeed. Watch out world, we're on the move.

It's not just Káel who's reached a 5 week mark. I have reached my 5 week mommy milestone! I knew being a mom would be amazing. But, I'm discovering my heart is so much more capable of loving than I ever thought possible. New waves of sheer delight smack me in the face every time he locks eyes with me and smiles the sweetest smile the world has seen. This is a new journey for all three of us.

Sam, his boho wife and little dreamer boy are in for the ride of their lives.


  1. I can't believe he is already 5 weeks! He is so cute! And those yoga pants are too cute... I need to get a pair for Lily.

  2. He is a gorgeous baby!! He looks so wise sitting there in his yoga pants! Like he's contemplating all kinds of magical & intellectual problems.

    Congratualations on 5 weeks of mommyhood!!

  3. This was so sweet! And you're right, we take so much beauty around us for granted, but I am sure with a child who has never seen any of it, you learn to stop and really see it. Congrats on 5 weeks!

  4. hey, i found you on tbb & twitter. following you now on both (blog & twitter). congrats on your super cute little man!

    check me out at: a good life.

  5. 5 weeks... wow... and i still haven't made you my Mac n' Cheese yet.... we definitly have to do something about that.

  6. those little yoga pants are simply adorable and he has such deep eyes.

  7. He is so beautiful! Yay for 5 weeks!

  8. Beautiful :) Would love to see your leaf earrings! :)

  9. You don't know me, I'm a viewer. I wanted to say, I had my first child back in April. He just turned 6mo. You won't believe how big they grow every month. Your child look so relaxed and laid back. My son would never sit in that device. He hates everything baby. He wants whatever we do already! Happy Autumn!

  10. Love the last photo of the two of you, so sweet.


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