
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Out and About

Káel and I ventured out for a mommy/son adventure into society yesterday. That is if you call going to the baby store "society." We strolled the isles of BuyBuy Baby with a confidence that was divine. Mommy felt like she rather owned the place. After all, I've been doing this for a whole month now! I got a few funny, then turned sweet looks from people that were listening to me have entire conversations with apparently no one. They soon realized I was talking to my little kiddo.

I don't look at all the walls of baby wonder with question marks any longer. No, now I can actually brave the colossus with some sort of direction and guided enthusiasm! Bring on the 10 different types of milk storage bags and 1,000 kinds of pacifiers. Pshaw, so there are 20 shapes, sizes and designs of baby bath tubs...doesn't scare me...anymore.

There is one amazing lady who works up at Buy Buy Baby that always makes me smile! She follows the blog and always remembers Káel's name and his story. She asks how we are and makes eyes at my little dreamer. I love it.

Little guy in his Peg Perego Primo Viaggio Infant Paloma car seat. (whew...long name or what?)
He sleeps SO good in the car! (We really love this car seat by the way!) All day long he was sleepies and smiles for Momma!

We made a pit stop at this wonderful place! I was looking for some little grey jeans, but found these goodies instead! Jeans, will be for another day.

Baby Gap sweater boots-$3 .... yes thank you.

Tea Collection infant boy get up- $8

We had so much fun! We had the windows in the car down, music blaring and I sipped on a lemonade taking in the new found life truth...I have a new little buddy, my little dude.

Oh, by the way, I made up a FABULOUS outfit today and I'm kicking myself that I didn't take a full body pic of it! But, anyways-it was amazing feeling so cute and hot in my boho sort of way. I laid Káel on the bed this morning for a fashion consult and started putting together all sorts of wonders from my closet. Since it's cool outside, I now have a whole new pallet of layers, long sleeves and my favorite, BOOTS to play with! My favorite articles of clothing lately are the skinny jean leggings from Target! They are great if you are preggerz, post baby or just a chica wanting some sweet leg wear. They are super cheap too! I wore the dark grey ones today. I can't fit into my real skinny jeans quite yet, so these make me feel like I'm not being deprived.

Sam came home from work to a candle lit, fairly straight house, clean kitchen and VACUUMED FLOOR! Quite the accomplishment for me these days.

So, here's to a completely normal, fantastically amazing, simple and glorious day.

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Much Love,


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  1. aw, mommmy/son outings are the best. he is a doll!

  2. Love love love both of yalls style.
    So I nanny a little girl on Wednesdays and as she was napping I flipped through the tv and ended up watching Girl meets gown, and bam there is jessica (and I thought bohobump) :D

    Now look at what the God Lord brought you! A Lovely wedding, a lovely family.

  3. that was a super productive, amazingly accomplished day for a mama and a one-month-old! sounds like you are adjusting really well. take care-jacki

  4. I just started following your blog a few weeks ago, but your son is adorable! I'm having a little boy in a few months and can't wait for little adventures like this :)

  5. oh yay steph! little boys are the bomb! so excited for you!!


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