
Wednesday, September 8, 2010


A couple of days ago we went to my parent's house to hang out and chill.

Lately, I've been learning mommy things. All the love and gushy gooey wonderful feelings that preceded, accompanied and are following the birth of my boho baby boy didn't teach me about the joys of projectile milk vomit, or all the textures of newborn poop. They didn't quite prepare me for the hormone swings that blow almost everything out of proportion to the point where I would burst into tears when I spilled my recently 1 oz. of pumped boob milk, or the massive unrealistic expectations I had put on myself.

This new chapter in our journey has been fabulous, hard, wonderful, exhausting, triumphantly satisfying and defeatingly overwhelming at times.

I would say I'm sorry for not writing in so long, but, I've been falling in love with my son, recovering from an unexpectedly hard labor and learning a brand new way of living with my man and our little dude.

I'm working on a series of small blog posts called "Little Pushes" that are stories from our labor and birth experience. Funny stories, crazy stories and out right RIDICULOUS stories to make you smile and journal in a fun way the thoughts on my baby journey.

Today was my first day with Sam back to work. It was pretty fun! Káel and I had our morning routine of listening and dancing to Regina Spektor's "80's Anthem" song and even went to go have lunch with Sam.

We are crazy about our boy. Sam, as of this moment is talking to Káel about one day having armpit hair... *endearingly rolling my eyes* ...boys... my boys.

He's pretty much addicting.


  1. Oh, he is so wonderful! So happy for you! And you look great! My husband and I were both in tears reading about your birth from your sister... Can't wait to read more of your blogs about lil' boho baby!


  2. gorgeous, so happy you're having such a great time!

  3. So sweet!! Can't wait for the "Little Pushes" posts. Thanks again for being so open about everything

  4. Jessica,
    I am so happy for you and Samuel! God has blessed you with a glorious gift in your son. Take each day 1 at a time and enjoy the precious moments with him. When you look back on the experience, you will say "It wasn't that bad!" How I miss those days! Now Caleb is grown up and getting married in August. Crazy but I wish the baby days were still here. I love you and cannot wait to meet you and baby Ka'el. God bless you sweet momma, you are the strength of God in woman form that I need when I am not strong! Thank you for just being you! love, Melissa Rzeszutek

  5. so happy for you and your little family. it's amazing how life can change so amazingly fast and yet you can't imagine any other way. hope you are recovering well and i look forward to hearing you story.

  6. i'm so happy to see you with your boy!

  7. I think us mommas can sympathize in spilled breast milk... It really is a tragedy! I've breast feed two babies... My second is 5months and I don't think she is stopping anytime soon. So if you need some encouragement or have any questions I am here! Congrats on your new little one and Bravo on your labor! Your a super woman in my eyes!!! So happy for you and Samuel.
    P.S. I met your husband through Neil Blake and the tent, my hubby is Mike Thornton, you may remember me that way. lol...

  8. I just wanted to tell you how much you and your beautiful soul have inspired me tonight. I believe I was guided here to reconnect with God and I feel his spirit so strongly right now. I'm in tears. I just saw you were in Charlotte, NC and I'm sure it's no coincidence that I live in Charlotte too. Thank you for being a beacon of light to me on this evening.

    P.S. I cried watching your wedding proposal video on youtube! Amazing!!!!!

  9. addicting. i like that word


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