
Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Year Ago Today

September 12, 2009 -

The day I told the world that I'm spending the rest of my life with my ultimate love, best friend, hero, deepest confidant and fellow dreamer...

Sam and I got married in the mountains of North Carolina, in the woods, surrounded by a ton our of friends and family. It was awesome. We totally gutted a horse barn and transformed it into a story book wedding party! We even had a film crew from Women's Entertainment Channel there filming it! Ha! (In the hunt for my wedding dress we were approached by them and asked to be featured on their new TV show called "Girl Meets Gown." A reality show about girls and their hunt for "the" dress. After hearing about what we were planning and hearing our story, they decided to fly out and film the whole shebang.) It was fun and made everything all the more crazy cool.

My dad married us and here is announcing the soon coming kiss. It was our second kiss. Samuel first kissed me in Jerusalem the day after we got engaged. (That is another story in and of itself. He flew over there secretly and proposed to me on the beach... I'll tell that story later. ) ;)

We really didn't want a formal's just not us. We didn't want a traditional ceremony either. We wanted to seem like everyone just showed up to enjoy this awesome moment in the woods. We had a huge bonfire after the reception where we had a drum circle playing as we danced and sang well into the night!

Here are a few highlights from our wedding including a vid that kinda sums it all up.

Being married to Samuel has been the biggest blast of a joy! More than I could have ever dreamed of. Our love for each other is truly defined by an unlimited amount of wonder we have in each other and selfless adoration. It's a dream. Now, we have a little walking (or soon to be crawling, I should say) story book of our love to cherish on top of all that goodness! Life is wonderful.

My man woke me up as I lay passed out in bed with our little boy conked on my chest. He brought me a huge omelet, sliced fruit, roses and dark chocolate. (my fav.) He is my dream and I'm so in love with him.

Here is a link to a wedding blog that posted our wedding with a ton of pics... CLICK HERE

Our photography was done by



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A women with great taste! Everything looks amazing after you're done with it.

    Happy Anniversary!!

  3. How beautiful! Happy Anniversary and what wonderful things you have to celebrate including your new little cute!

    Liesl :)

  4. wow, has it allready been a year? I LOVED your wedding and it will forever be one of the most special days of my life:) Congratulation wonderful people!!

  5. Happy Anniversary! Every time I come to your blog I have to grab the tissues... Your family and your stories are so sweet!

  6. I have just recently found your stories and been utterly enchanted and inspired. Your freedom is so moving, and your style is incredible! There is too much I could say about your engagement, your wedding and the birth of your son! I will be sticking around :) Happy Anniversary!

  7. Happy Anniversary! I love your weeding photos- looks like an amazing day!

    Just wanted to invite you to stop by my Blog For A Cure Blog Party:

    Its a way to get new followers, win some great prizes,and support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!

  8. So lovely! Happy Anniversary! And to celebrate with your beautiful baby, how wonderful!

    Today is the seventh anniversary of the day I married my best friend, on the beach on the Outer Banks of NC. :)

  9. SO COOL! So original and SO perfect! Happy Anniversary!

  10. awww happy anniversary! we got ours coming up in about a week :)

  11. I knew you looked familiar when i started reading your blog a couple months ago. I saw you on WE TV and I LOVED your wedding!

  12. Happy Anniversary!!! \(^_^)/ I saw both your proposal and your wedding on youtube and absolutely loved it! Your wedding gave me chills! I loved the originality behind the wedding, and the fact that no tuxes were involved! I have been regularly following both of your blogs ever since.
    I don't know if you are still updating your wedding blog, but I've got some great wedding-esque portraits from Japan. They are not exactly wedding pictures (being that my friend and I are both single), but they could pass! I don't know how I'd send them to just let me know! Again, Congratulations on a great year and your adorable son. I have been incredibly blessed by your amazing love story and your awesome wedding!

  13. I've never seen such a great wedding...

  14. I KNEW IT!! I thought I was crazy. What are the odds that you were the same girl I saw on that show. You are. I came across your blog in the last couple months and I just knew you had to be the same. I feel validated in this moment. I've really enjoyed your beautiful story.

  15. i'm so blessed to be reading your story tonight.
    my husband and i have been married for a bit over a year and have had to really fight for love through it. the last 2 days have been hard for us.. we've been apathetic and lazy.
    your story reassures me of the love of the Lord in allowing us to become one with a helper. i'm rejoicing with Him for your story and how loudly you declare His work in it. it's beautiful.

  16. this is so beautiful.
    i saw you on the show and was amazed by how beautiful your wedding was, and i could tell there was something different about you.
    you SHINE joy.
    i was so happy to see your worship song at your wedding.
    it is so awesome to see a Christ centered marriage
    God bless you and your new addition.

  17. you are so very awesome! i actually saw this episode on TV and it was one of my favorites!! the dress you chose was fantastic. you're personality is contagious.

  18. 12th of September, what an amazing date... I was married on this day in 2008!
    Rhi xx

  19. I absolutely adore you two. Your story is SO encouraging and inspiring. God's love TRULY shines off of your faces. I love your style... and seriously... you've taught me to embrace the fullness of life, enjoying all of the little details that make it beautiful. Thanks. Maybe will meet you some day!

  20. Truly amazing! I just found your blog - I love it so much! Your love shines thru all! Wow. Much love from Israel, Johanna


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