
Friday, September 3, 2010

Birth Story: Part 2

my midwives were amazing

These are just a few pic from the last half of my labor. I highly recommend having a birth photographer. My pictures have so redeemed so many moments for me that I would have forgotten about otherwise. 
CLICK HERE to see the rest of my labor/birth pics posted on Tirzah Photography's photo blog. 

As you are looking through the blog post be sure and watch the video of Samuel singing the lulaby he wrote for Kael. 


  1. I cried my way through reading part 1 and 2. You are a beautiful and VERY strong woman! Man, if I were in your shoes, I would feel like I could conquer anything from this point on! I am so inspired by your sweet story. Thank you so much for sharing it! sigh... I can't wait for my baby to be here now. : )

    Have a wonderful weekend with your sweet little boy.

  2. AMAZING. Thank you so much for sharing such an intimate moment with all of us. I am so happy for you and your family.

  3. Amazing amazing photography, and you are amazing too :)

  4. amazing photos! you worked so hard to bring your baby into the world naturally! It's clear to see that the Lord really gave you the strength to do it! I bet you feel so empowered now! You can do anything after that!!
    and i can say, that after having four babies, it gets easier every time! next time will be a breeze! i'll be praying for you as you transition into this new season.

  5. go you for wearing those big ole earrings during labor.

  6. Also a crying mess after that post. As Lora said you worked so hard to bring him here naturally. You're nothing short of amazing

  7. I feel very fortunate to have Damaris as my friend since we were little girls. She sends me sweet stories about births she has attended such as this very sweet and inspiring one of yours. She was present at the birth of my third child at home 18 years ago as my friend and support. She is an awesome person and friend, and midwifery is definitely her calling. I wish you all the best with your new little one and hope you continue to inspire others with your strength and beauty!

  8. Thanks so much for sharing your story of strength and beauty - this is truly inspiration for me right now as I am in my second trimester and planning to have a natural birth. 43 hours is amazing, but you did it and are such an inspiration to others.

    I'm so happy I stumbled upon your blog and wish you all the best as you adjust to life with your new addition!

  9. so happy for you!! my own natural labor was only 12 hours-- and wow, i can't imagine 43! so very touching, i love the story in photos. and honey, i feel ya on the puffiness. ain't it crazy? so beautiful still...!

  10. It's beautiful and impressive photos you got there. Wish you all the best.

  11. Beautiful!! Totally got all teary looking at your beautiful pics! Ah-mazing!!

  12. Best wishes to you and your new're an inspiration to me (due very soon)...much love.

  13. seriously jess- youre a hero to that little guy.
    and to a lot of people... love how your spirit was all over every part of that birth-unique, beautiful and inspiring!

  14. I have just had a look at all the stunning photos that your sister took, and she wrote such a beautiful account of your birth. It certainly sounds like it was the hardest thing imaginable, you are a very brave and strong mummy :)
    Rhi x

  15. What a wonderful blog, and beautiful family! You are absolutely radiant. I so wish we had gotten labor pictures.

  16. Such an inspiring story! You did SO amazing! I have to tell you how neat this is for me though, Damaris is my midwife, I've never seen her anywhere on line except with my births! So neat! She has delivered two of my children and will deliver another in November! So cool! I realize this birth was a while ago, but you deserve many more congrats! You did so great!


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