
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sparrow's Birthday Dolly: Part 2

So, the night before the party, while I was up making Sparrow's dolly some green boots, (to see Part 1 post click HERE) I noticed some pretty tule fabric in my bag from Sam's grandma.  I knew that Sparrow would be wearing a pink, girly tu-tu dress with pink, sparkly, Tiny Toms at her birthday bash.  That's when a thought was dropped into my mind by the sewing fairies! ;) She needs a ballerina outfit! YES! My girly colors where flying, as I sat there on the couch, making the cutest little vintage tu-tu with a pale blue ribbon to tie it off at the back of the waist. Then came the slippers. Sigh. After I was finished, I decided to dress her in this dancer outfit  and wrap her coat and boots separately. 

Jessie, Sparrow's mommy, is one of my dearest friends and one of the most creative people that I know. She uses pages of old story books for cards and sweet notes. I've been adopting this practice  ever since she gave me one, after Káel was born last year.  I found this connect the dot page from a children's activity book, from 1954 and thought it would be perfect! I wrote our message along the lines... *squeal* :) Next time you are at the thrift store and you see a 40 cent old children's book...grab it and try this sweet little idea out on a friend. :) 
Btw, I almost NEVER use wrapping paper to wrap a gift. I always figure using some pretty fabric is more fun and quaint. Then, whoever is receiving the gift can reuse it for a project or another gift! :) Old sheets are a great, cheap idea. That's what I used for this. 
Reading her card. Um...excuse me, but do you see what she is wearing!? Look at that little princess headdress? Paaaaaalease!!! When I walked into their house, I squealed so loud! She was her mommy's daughter. Feather funk and all! 

They meet for the first time. It was precious.

Seeing her open up her present and smile, with that sweet little miss smirk, made my heart soar to heaven. I have tears in my eyes right now, just thinking about last year and all the prayers and tears we all shared with Jessie and her family as Sparrow, the miracle baby, came out of her first surgery, strong and brave. Sparrow had another open heart surgery 3 months later and will have one more when she is around 3. She is a total kiss from Jesus and I adore her with all my heart! Many of you may remember reading my post, where I talked about her story. If you haven't read it and would like to you can click here to read the beginning of her story and HERE! This little darlin' is the toughest, sweetest sugar ever!

Happy birthday little bird. I love you so much!
xo auntie jess

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  1. Oh goodness this is just all so beautiful. x

  2. How adorable is that? Loving the dolls you're cranking out. And how awesome is it that she's so healthy and doing great on her birthday!

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
    Fanciful Brainstorm - Tumblr

  3. That doll is so sweet! I wish I had such sweet friends that would shower my daughter with love and thoughtful gifts like that.....

  4. What a thoughtful gift you are so sweet. I'm sure this doll will have many stories to be passed down over the years...

  5. gosh, jess. you are so creative. i love the little ballet slippers!

    and that feather hat? adorable.

  6. Look at you, miss doll maker!!! You are amazing. What a blessing you are to all who are lucky enough to know you, to have you as a friend. And happy birthday to Sparrow!! I remember praying with bated breath last year, and now she's one! Truly a gift from God.

  7. Oh my gosh I LOVE!!!! I love the dolly, I love the connect-the-dots card, I love her feather crown... Ahhh so perfect!!!

  8. I'd really like to learn how to make these! They're so cute!

  9. people can live a lifetime and never have a friend like you, jessica. mine & Sparrow's lives are fuller and more joyful because you're in them. we named the dolly Sophie, btw. xoxo, jessie

  10. How beautiful. I wonder if you would sell the pattern to this? Or post it on how to make it? Thank you.


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