
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Day With Micah Lyric

I got to spend all day with one of my favorite baby girls yesterday, Miss Micah Lyric. Káel LOVES playing with her and I can never get enough of her little nose scrunches. ;) Her momma found out the night before that they needed her to film as an extra for the Hunger Games, the next morning and day. When she called me that night, I squealed so loud! How exciting is THAT!!??? Several of my girlfriends and I had made a pact with each other, if one of us got "the" call we would happily watch the other's babies. Eeeeee! I'm so excited! While Micah's momma was on set, we had fun playing games.  She and Káel had adventures in my backyard finding leaves and twigs, sampling each one of course. ;) While Forest boy was napping, I snapped a couple pictures of her sweet little self. I love you Micah bean!

My mom and dad come in town tomorrow btw, and I am beyond excited!  They haven't been up to see us since Káel was around 3 months old! I can't wait to show them around our new neck of the woods and hang out in our new house! There will be lots of birthday party prep over the next few days and to have my folks here is the biggest treat ever. PLUS, my Gran (who is a faithful follower of my blog, I love you Gran!) is flying in on Sunday for the big bash! Yay!  I'll try and check in a few times before the party on Sunday.  Don't think I've forgotten about doing my weight loss post, I am hoping to get it finished in the next week. (hopefully!)

Have the most lovely of the loveliest today! 

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  1. oooh I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES! that's so cool. i can't wait for the movie, hah i'll have to look for her in it!

  2. Micah Bean is adorable! And how about those beautiful blue eyes! Love all the pics. Specially fond of the one where she is handing you the green leaf. Just precious. Great job!

  3. Yes, she seems really sweet and alive baby! Great day with this 2!

  4. what kind of camera/llens do you shoot with?! the shallow depth of field is superb! also, what a beautiful little sweet thing she is!

  5. aww thanks for taking such good care of my little sweetie! you're the best! These pics are adorable :)

  6. o my dear, what a beautiful baby. Could you please tell me what lense were this pics taken with? I ove love love them all. Have a great day!


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