
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Moving Day

How many times have you ever moved? Geeez Louise, this is exciting! I have moved a TON in my lifetime. So, I'm no stranger to moving vans or packing tape. We were out at our new place until around 10 last night.  We were whipping out the mops, all purpose cleaner (the safe kind) and a yummy candle or two. Sam and I had so much fun! You know how old houses can smell, like your great-grandpa's sock drawer or old coin collection? Yep, kinda stinky. So, we brightened it up a bit with some cleaning sunshine. Káel LOVED exploring and playing as we started to transform the place. 

We are about to go pick up the van this morning.  After that I will be dropping little boho boy off at at my dear friend Lauren's house. That way, I can help move boxes and tie up some loose ends after all the big stuff has been loaded up. (We have some friends of ours who are coming over to help us.) Lauren has 2 boys, Oliver is 3 and Dashel is 1. They all love playing with each other so much so it's like a play day for sweet boy! Thank you girl so SO much! <3  You can check out Lauren's blog HERE.

I wanted to share some more instagram pics with you guys. The first two are of me and my boys right after we had a play session in a summer rain shower a couple days ago. Oh my goodness! It definitely went into my treasure chest of favorite memories. Káel loved it, squealing and giggling, as we acted all crazy together. We all 3 were totally drenched afterwards, but so happy! 

I've got to go round up Forest boy's diaper bag for the day and then go with Sam to pick up the moving van! BUTTERFLIES! See ya'll on the other side! :) Have a happy, peaceful day! 

Oh, by the way, thank you guys for being so sweet and flooding us with sweet comments yesterday. I had so much fun reading them :) Y'all are the sweetest!

Rain soaked 

Yes, Baby Einstein once again. 

Meet "Puppy" Káel's ultimate love, from Ikea. He sleeps with it ever night now and drags it through the house. He gets just as excited to see this as he does me. ;) 
We stopped for a treat at one of my all time fav restaurants, Pei Wei after taking the first wagon of things over to the new place, oh yum! I love fortune cookies and when I opened this, I decided to keep it and put it in my "sweet memories" box. 

The Forest boy playing in our new living room while we unload some dishes and clean.


  1. Happy moving day! I hope it all goes very smooth for you.....and I know Lauren's husband, Cody. We used to attend the same church!!! Small world!

  2. Great pictures! I loooove your wee one's face in the first one! Have fun moving. :) :) Sea Marie

  3. eee!! so excited for you and your move! wish I could be there to help.

  4. Eee good luck! So excited for pictures once you are all unpacked :) :) *HUGS*!

  5. What a sweet little family you have! Good luck finishing up the move!

  6. What an appropriate fortune. Wishing you a quick and painless move. :)

  7. I love to play in the rain! :)

  8. Thanks guys for all the well wishes on the move! So far, so good! ;)

  9. Alaythea ~ No way! It IS a small world, isn't it?! How cool is that!

  10. YAY, happy moving!! Take your time and enjoy these moments, they are so precious!

  11. :D I so much love reading your blog. I've been following it every single day since well before Kael was born. I feel like I've come to know you and your little circle of family and friends in a way... I actually had a dream a while ago about babysitting Kael and laughing with you and Sam, and it was the most fun thing ever. :) Thanks for letting your readers into your lives.

  12. caitlyn you are so amazing and sweet! that's is AWESOMENESS that you had a dream with us in it! :) thank YOU for following along and enjoying, for reals! <3 maybe one day we all can hang out in person. :)

  13. I am so happy for you, friend! I pray that God blesses your new home greatly & you have some of the happiest memories of your life there. Love to you and little boho baby.


  14. Haha! I have a bunch of friends up at Bethel, and I'm planning to do an IHOP internship too... you know people in both those circles, yes? You never know, we could definitely run into each other someday! :P

  15. That fortune is spot on, huh?

  16. Caitlyn - Yes, I know folks at both places. You're right, you never know...It would be cool to run into you someday! =)

  17. Katie - I know, right?! That's exactly what I thought!


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