
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Baby Einstein Boy

Yesterday we got so much done! While packing, I made a little fort for Forest boy out of a box and gave him my iPhone with the Baby Einstein app. He laid there for over 20 minutes, completely mesmerized by the Mozart and Ocean videos, just chillin'. :) I thought it was the cutest thing ever and wanted to share!

Today is our last day in our yellow house. It's kind of bittersweet. More on the sweet side though. Since moving to the Carolinas, after Sam and I got married, I've only lived right across the border of Charlotte, in a sweet little South Carolina town. :)  So, it's kind of a big deal. I'm SUPER stoked though. We are going to take the first car load over to the new bungalow this afternoon! There is something magical about having the key to your new house on your key ring. Time to plan where the furniture is going to be placed and put our china away in the cabinets. I'm dancing a happy dance that the move is almost over and that peace, calm and active creativeness can happen in my life a little more easily again. ;) Maybe my next post will be from our new house!?

Beautiful Tuesday to you lovelies!

He pulled the top flap down and was quite cozy in his little secret fort. 

Kissable belly!


  1. I saw this picture and I literally laughed out loud. That's the cutest thing!

  2. Hey i love reading your blog. :-) i am ally. LOL

  3. awwwwa ally, THANKS! makes me smile! :)

  4. Kael, in that box, with that iPhone, watching his Baby Einstein video has got to be one of my all time favorite pics, ever! (And I have lots of Kael favs!) ;-)

    You know Jess, you are truly one of the coolest mom's ever! Kael is gonna have so much fun growing up with you as his momma! XO

    PS - I want to kiss those adorable toes!

  5. What a great post! I'm still sitting in our new house with some boxes left to unpack so I completely sympathize with the excitement and work ahead of you! Have fun!

  6. OH my sweet heavens that is adorable! Heehee. Love that he's hanging out in a box cave :D

    I can't wait to build blanket forts with the dining room chairs... LOL Good luck on your move Mama :)

  7. absolutely adorable! he looks so comfortable and amused! :)

    [sweet life of a southern wife]

  8. Oh what a cutie!!! I used to looove blanket forts when I was little. we would cover the entire living room in blankets and whatever we could find with my brother and sister. Kael looks adorable just chilling with your ipod. I'm Maggie btw, I love reading your blog Jess, you never fail to put a smile on my face. xxx

  9. maggie-oh yeah, some of my favorite memories are fort building! thanks girl!

  10. I love those little piggies sticking out! Baby piggies are the cutest things ever!! Oh and how I wish my son would just "chill" for a few minutes! It would be a wonderful thing for his momma... but nope no such luck for this momma!

  11. Ooo! Happy, happy! We have 3 days til our moving date and I am jacked out of my mind. Can't wait!!! And your little guy reminds me so much of mine; even down to that pacifier. :D Happy moving!

  12. I must say this made my Tuesday. So full of adorable-ness.

  13. This is absolutely amazing. I was just telling Josiah yesterday that I can't wait until Aveline is old enough to enjoy forts. (She's 6 months.) I seriously can't stop looking at these pictures of Kael in his little fort. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

    (I read your blog faithfully but hardly ever comment -- bad me!)

  14. this is the cutest picture! now I will need to download that app for my girl!

  15. Kael in a box always makes me laugh!!! Such a fun photo to wake up to on my far-too-early morning! :)

  16. That's the cutest thing! He's just like a little man chillin' with his iPhone. :) Perfect.

  17. oh yeah, that app is THE BEST! you can make your own memory cards, watch the videos and tons more. SO nice especially while out or traveling. :)

  18. gina, yay! thanks for reading love! kael is just starting to get into the fort thing, it is so much fun!

  19. seriously the cutest thing ever!

  20. My husband thought this was the most adorable pic we have seen yet! He said it reminded him of the commercials of the baby who does the "E-Trade" apps! So stinking cute! That little Forest of yours hold such Joy!!!

  21. this is so cute! i don't think i've ever seen my daughter sit still for more than five minutes, lol. you have a focused little guy. love your blog, new follower :)


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