
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tunes & Such: The Honey Trees

I hope all you beauties had a fabulous 4th of July! We celebrated with a ton of our friends with bbq, treats and fireworks. It was a blast. I have been wanting to do another installment for my "Tunes and Such" feature for a while and I'm glad I'm finally getting around to it! Here is another amazing group, one of my favorite music groups. 

The Honey Trees take you to dreamy, far away places with their lyrics and their melodies have a haunting goodness about them. Becky Lou Filip and Jacob Wick are an amazing duo that will inspire your heart. They released their first EP "Wake the Earth" in February 2009 and are working on a new recording project. I would totally recommend them for your summer playlist. You can download their music on itunes HERE. Watch, listen and enjoy! 
photography: simon filip


  1. Love them! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm almost positive I've heard this song by them somewhere before, but I can't seem to recall where! Any ideas?

  3. one of my favs too! thanks for reminding me on listening to them:)

  4. Oh my gosh what a smallish world! How did you find them? I've been listening to their friends Lakes (formerly Watashi Wa) since high school. I commissioned Becky to design one of my tattoos. She does beeeautiful art work and has an etsy shop. themeadowlark you should check that out too :)

  5. Thanks for posting, I love them and will have to check out more of their music!!

  6. I think Tunes & such is becoming one of my favourite features on this blog! :D I found Lucy Schwartz thanks to you and I LOVE her music, and now them! You have a reaaaally great taste! :)

  7. awww i'm glad ya'll are enjoying this! :) i LOVE finding new artists that inspire me and love to share them! yeah, lucy is my FAV! :)

  8. stina-no way! gah, i feel like you're a celebrity for even knowing them! i think they are amazing! my sister in law is the one who first introduced me to them and i have followed them ever since. i didn't know she did art work, thanks for telling me, her work is amazing!

  9. Wow, her voice is so pure and beautiful!

  10. Jess-I try to spread the news of good music when I find it too. You would probably love my dear friend Janelle Burris's music-her voice is so pure and lovely. You can find her at where there are snippets of her demos, or on FB she has a music player with some of her songs. My favorite is "A Lie" Also-my friend Dan Miles is A-MA-ZING. He is on facebook too and has albums on itunes. I love so many of his songs so I can't even tell you where you start. Great songwriter though. :)


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