
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Little Update and Happenings

Hey you guys! Can I say that things have been amazingly crazy at my house this past week? Yes, they have. Dear goodness! We had some very big happenings in the little Forest nursery that I'm am so proud and excited to share! My little boy has now....

learned how to drink from a sippy cup...
started sleeping on his own TOTALLY UNSWADDLED.... (happy dance)
he decided to turn 6 months old...and melt my heart on a whole new level...(I've never been so in love with him, my little heart throb handsome boy.)
and he has become more in love than ever with his daddy.
This happened 2 weeks ago and I'll be doing a post on it later, but I thought I'd give you a sneak peek. ;) This is from a couple's night we had at Wive's Club. THE BEST night we've had in forever.
I celebrated my amazingly beautiful friend, Courtney's soon coming baby boy with her and friends at her sweet Spaghetti dinner baby shower. I think it's the best, most laid back baby shower I'd ever been to.

I've been walking/jogging at least 4 miles almost everyday with Káel and starting to see a real change in my post baby body. We have some major hills in my neighborhood which really tones the lower body...if ya know what I mean. ;)

We had a group of our friends over for dinner this week, including the lovely lady above and her man, Shelia and her sir, from Baby Steps and Sarah who is one of the funniest, most fun people to hang out with. I made a big pot of meat balls, there was salad and yummy desert plus, plenty of laughing and girl talk once the boys took on the ping pong table.

I spent all week preparing for Miss Carolyn's delightful baby shower! The theme is "He's gonna be cute as a button" so all the party favors, games etc. include my old button collection. Everyone is going to wear a dress, lipstick and have a ball. I'm super excited about it. I was up til 1:30am last night because I was on a roll making extra cute little things for it. I'm picking up the cupcakes for the cupcake bar around 11am, so I need to get scootin' and get ready.

One of Sam's best buddies, Jamie came over with his girlfriend Rachel super late last night for a fun spontaneous drop in. While Jamie and Sam talked and did guy stuff, Rach and I sat and talked about our passion for dark chocolate (can I get a witness?) painting and stuff going on in our hearts. It was FABULOUS. All the while my little boy was sound asleep.

I can't wait to share pics with you all of the party today! Sam's going to film it so be expecting another kick booty sweet vid. from my boho mister man.

Oh! Guess who I spent all day yesterday with? Ivelisse from Pretty Little Mustache! Oh my goodness....she is SO stinkin' much fun! Julianna, her little girl was a whoot of a ball too...we talked, played, went on a walk to our cupcake bakery...we spent ALL day together. It felt like we had known each other forever. I have more stories about THIS coming hopefully tomorrow. But, right now, I'm sitting in bed, my son is talking away in his room next to ours and my mirror across my bedroom wall is hinting to me that I should probably get ready.

I'll sign off for now so I can pretty myself all up for the shower and finish the last touches of loveliness.


  1. Awwwwww sound so great :D

  2. I am so jealous of your real life blogger meet-up. Ha. I sort of wish the whole bloggin' community could get together twice a week for coffee. : p
    If you know any folks in Chicago... ; )


    All This is Grace and Charm

  3. Yay for milestones! My boy is 10 months. He hasn't mastered the sippy cup, at all. What kind is the one your darling boy is holding?

  4. ah, beautiful!
    what a cool post on the lovely crazy-goodness that life can be full of. :)

    dark chocolate.
    here's a witness. ;)

  5. What a neat sippy cup, I don't think I have seen one like that before.

  6. your baby boy is amazingly sweet! my little guy is nearly 10 months old - i am trying to drink up every single second of his fleeting babyhood ♥


  7. Hi there!! I'm a new follower and I absolutely love your blog! It's my new favorite :) and I have to say that you have the most beautiful little family and I can feel your delight in God throughout every post, it's so heartwarming and refreshing. Keep up the awesome work!

  8. you guys are so sweet. i'm glad you all enjoyed the rather long to be desired update. :)


  10. Love these pics, looks like you had fun.

  11. Love that first picture, you are just divinely beautiful lady!

  12. Carly Anne- I'm right there with you! So many amazing ladies on here!!!

  13. You sound like a busy woman! I'm a new follower here and wanted to tell you how much I love your blog! The wedding and engagement videos gave me goosebumps by how holy spirit soaked they are. You live in Charlotte, you go to Morning Star?

  14. i would've given anything to have hung out with you awesome mamas! and i loved your outfits at the darn cute ya'll are. i cannot believe kael is already six months old! time flies TOO FAST! hope your week is as good as your weekend was!

  15. um. spending time with you is so excellent!! i mean really! and just an fyi. your picture. so cute!

  16. can't wait to see the pics from the shower!! oh, how I miss being around you jess!!!!!


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