
Friday, March 11, 2011

The Grandparents Visit

Sam's grandparents are some of the sweetest, most fun people to hang out with. A couple weeks back they made a surprise visit into town which made us super happy. The last time they had seen Káel was when he was barely 4 weeks old! They couldn't believe how big and heavy he had gotten. Claudine, Sam's grandma (who is the most fashionable, shnazzy lady you'll meet) exclaimed that he was like lead weight as she held him! It was amazing. Forest boy really loves the sound of her voice and was enamored by his great-grandpa's jokes as he carried on about how amazing he thought his little great-grandson was. Claudine and I were laughing about the fact that during our pregnancies we could eat the weight of a horse without blinking. It was special... um, not the fact we could eat like beasts, but us talking and relating to each other and giggling. yeah. ha!

It was really special to me that they were able to play with him, enjoy him and that we were able to get video/pics of it all. It will be a treasure to Káel and to us as he gets older. I really wish I had more video and pics of me with my great grandparents. Our kids are going to know their great grandparents so much better and so much longer than we did because of the amazing trinkets of media.

He's growing so fast it feels like each week he's totally different than the week before. I realized as they were loving on Káel, how much he had changed...and how fast. I'm finding myself lately living out the things my mom always told me. "They grow so fast." she said, "Enjoy each moment, write it down, you won't remember all these sweet things years down the road." She's right, she really is. Those love filled warnings really don't mean anything to you until you have a baby. Then, it hits you like a big, cold and bumpy brick wall...all over your face."Oh my gosh, has it been a month already!?" "Aw, he won't sleep on my chest anymore." "He's STARTING TO CRAWL?!" You are so loved little mister man, by so many hearts.


  1. so sweet! it's so awesome that his great grandparents got to spend some time with the little man. what a blessing!

  2. that first picture of grandpa and baby boy just made me cry:) it is so beautiful! everyone needs a good cry on a friday morning, right?!

  3. That last pic is so beautiful, Jess! YOU look so beautiful! And I love Kael's face. :) Great post.

  4. Oh my goodness!
    These pictures are so wonderful and precious!
    What an amazing legacy of love for little Kael!

  5. Awww! Love the first pic of Kael with his great -grandma! He's so cute! He is probably the cutest little baby boy I have ever seen!

  6. Awww, this does my heart so much good! Have a gorgeous day!

  7. Your son is so precious. I totally know what you mean. Tobias (my son) will be 1 years old a month from yesterday. I swear I can still feel myself healing as if it was not so far ago. I cannot believe it. My son runs now. And problem solves. Everytime he turns a month I ask myself, "I wonder what he'll accomplish this month?" And it never fails, we capture (or witness) something new each time :).

    Have a fantastic day.

  8. I have recently realized that my mother too was soooo right, as she said all the same things! We are lucky to have all this technology, when we're old and don't know where we are any more we will still have this.

  9. absolutely precious!!!! grandparents are the best!!!!!

  10. Oh my gosh, these pictures are wonderful! You have a beautiful baby boy. It's so exciting that he gets to meet your husband's grandparents. Yaaaay family!

  11. Oh they must love visiting with their great-grandbaby..


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