
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tummy Time Drool Boy

I don't know about you, but it seems like a week ago that I was holding my 3 week old Forest boy in my arms. He is over 4 MONTHS old! That's just a hop, skip and a jump away from 6 months! Geez louise.

I have to agree with all the moms who told me that 3, 4 months was their favorite age. Of course you love it all. But, my goodness when my little man started really interacting with me, giving me those flirty smiles and the "i love my mommy" was over. I feel my heart get so warm, like it's going to explode with more love than I can take when we lock into each other's eyes. My mom said it right, it's a love affair.

I have felt those mommy moments of wonder and accomplishment when I all of a sudden realize that I know exactly what "this" cry or "that" cry means.

He was sleeping really good for a while, then not good at all. It's up and down. Those darn little teeth that are trying to make their way to the surface are giving him a hard time. :( Babies really have it tough dude. The most trying part for me is not being able to explain what is going on to him. He hasn't really been fussy at all, the little trooper. But, I can tell he's uncomfortable.

As much as he's my love cuddle bug, he's also a baby that gets frustrated because he can't stand up by himself and walk around like us. You can see it in his little blue eyes. He's the same height as his 6 and 7 month old friends and he eats about 8 oz of milk every 1 & 1/2 hours. He's a guzzler.

I adore him. Sam calls him his little buddy and I call him my sweet bug....or stink bug depending on what part of our daily routine we find ourselves in. *wink* haha

He LOVES tummy time now! Yay! He didn't for a long time. He'd rather stand than lay on his tummy. Now he loves it and thinks he's pretty cool being able to do it so well. My confident little squirt.
One of the things that little Forest boy has discovered he loves is the computer. He sat here for over 10 minutes watching whatever I had going from Netflix on HIS BELLY. Big accomplishment for someone who would just roll over or fuss to stand up whenever put on his tummy. I now put on baby Einstein for several minutes a day while he lays there so he can strengthen his wee little muscles.

When I posted the above pic of Káel - Miss James, my fellow bloggin' momma friend fromBleubird Vintage, sent this pic over my way right afterwards. It must be the baby trend right now amongst themselves. Our little cuties. I laughed so hard when I saw this.
Hope you found some smiles here today!


  1. Your little man is getting so big and is completely adorable! It's easy to see why you love him! And as a momma of a 23 year old son... let me tell you the love just keeps growing stronger! I love that Sam calls your boy the bud, that's what my husband calls our son :) it's must be a father/son thing!

  2. He is precious! I love his little giggles too.

  3. i remember when my little man ( who is now just a fresh 3) was like that as the years pass we dont seem to see just how fast they go by and how fast they grow.. i miss my josh being a little man but now hes Just like daddy ( as he says) as hes flexing his arms just like his dad it makes my heat smile and soul warm to know what God has blessed me with :)

  4. Love this post, i know what you mean about them growing up on us :/ mine will be 5 in 2 monthes. ack, i feel to young to have a five year old. lovely pics, i miss that age so bad ...

  5. Every age is going to be your favorite age! My lil man is 7 months old now and it keeps getting better and better. I just got a laptop for Christmas, so it wasn't around of tummy time, but what got my baby to crawl for the first time last week? Going after the laptop. I didn't even care that he banged all over it when he go to it- I was too excited!

  6. aww that certainly brought a huge smile to my face! What a cutie pie you have! I cant wait to meet mine :)

  7. My little man just turned three months, and tummy time is so not his favorite thing. Using the laptop is a great idea- he loves to watch baby einstein on youtube.

    Those eyes on that little boy of yours are beautiful!

  8. He is just so cute, you have a lovely lil boy. I loved this age with my son (who is now two) as they are discovering so much more and babble away and smile so much. It is such a special time, I wish I had done a blog to remember all these little moments

  9. thank you for all your sweet comments and stories ladies! i LOVE hearing from you. hehe

    it sure is a fun season we are in right now

  10. Your little bug is so cute:)
    Hope all is well!!

  11. Jess your little guy looks like he's going to be quite the ladies man with that smile!

  12. Aw! Those photos made big smiles here! :)

  13. man he is the cutest little charlie brown face ever. that first picture melts me! :)

  14. Oooo! I just want to give him a big hug! He is so precious!

  15. That little drooly, grinning face is just too precious for words!

  16. loooooove this age too! My baby boy is 5 months today! I'm finding that there were SO MANY babies born in August 2010! wild! My boy's sleep goes up and down tool... he was doing great for a while, and now he is waking up all the time... not sure what the deal is! But he is so stinkin' cute that the sleep doesn't matter! cheers fellow mom!

  17. This is obviously one great post. The information are very insightful and helpful. Thanks for sharing all of these.Tummy Time


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