
Monday, January 10, 2011

Dinner and a Movie

This week we planned and carried out "Dinner and a Movie" night with two of our favorite couples, the Graston's and the Fancher's. Taking one of Jamie Oliver's episodes of 30 min Meals, we bought the ingredients and set our sights toward the kitchen. The challenge was on. My kitchen is super small so we were all crammed in there like sardines trying to prepare a very wonderful English dinner.

After the hilariously wonderful ordeal of making a "simple" 30 min meal-we made our plates and watched one of my favorite movies, "Dan in Real Life." It was SUCH a fun night! I want to make this a monthly tradition. Or at least every couple of months-pick a recipe, all of us make it happen, then enjoy it with a feel good movie. It was SO much fun. You should think about giving this a go for a fun night with friends.

Below check out the video my amazing man, Sam took of us! He documented the fun and craziness of the evening!

Káel tried out his Jumparoo and loved it!

Check out Sam's video below!

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  1. Love this! Looks like a lot of fun. And your husband did such a great job on the video. Is that his profession?

  2. Glad you tried an English Dinner, Jamie Oliver is Super!! Obviously mine is a biased opinion lol!!
    From your crazy English Friend xxx

  3. thanks! yep it is! he loves film media

    -tasha, I thought you would like this post! hehe

  4. I love the picture of Kael! He looks like he's directed the whole event!!

  5. Loved this! We try to get friends together and do something like this but it never works out... Looks like you had a lot of fun! Love the video too!

  6. yum yum yum!!! :) How good is Jamie? :)

  7. Yum! I wish we could have people over, but our apartment is SO small.

  8. Ha ha, Jamie's 30 Minute Dinners are notorious for taking WAY more than 30 minutes to make! Looks like you had a grand old time trying though :)

  9. Such a cute post and video. I'm inspired now...we were really into potnot's with the idea being each friend/couple brings a needed ingredient for the planned meal. This worked for a bit, but you need to make sure your friends are reliable and on time, otherwise you are running to the store last minute.

    Cute blog..i'm a follower!

  10. i HAVE to say that dan in real life is also my fav!!! so much so, that i watched it while in labor at the hospital. contractions going off the charts, the nurses wondered how i was laughing! (that was all Jesus) but that movie helped and will be forever treasured


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