
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cover Your Bum

Some friends of ours, Joe and Angela came in town a few days ago to visit and do a photo shoot with Beka (Tirzah Photography). They got to meet little dude and had some goodies for him. I LOVE, love, love what they picked out for him! Two little body suits from Baby Gap.

Totally dig the 80's feel of the print! When I pulled this out of the bag, I squealed. This sweat shirt/ hoodie body suit is one of my absolute favs! He's gonna look so cute in it!

I love my little boy in big bold stripes.

I haven't used cloth diapers full out yet. Just off and on. Lately, I've been realizing that some of my favs, of the several ones that I had purchased, are the Bum Genius diapers. I like how they fit Káel the best - at least right now, with the size that he is. (And, they are just way darn cute!) Sam still looks at me a little funny when he picks up a dirty one and asks me how he's supposed to wash it. We'll see how it goes and how it works for us. Eventually, I would like to switch to full on cloth. But, I'm not going to pressure myself.

My little man has smitten me, clean, right through the heart. Any time I get overwhelmed, and trust me I do, I'll look at him in that moment and he'll either smirk at me, make lovey eyes at me or just make a little dreaming noise, and my heart is comforted and partly forgets why in the world I was ever overwhelmed.


  1. I love cloth diapers! My baby is almost 6 weeks old and I've been using them for a few weeks now. Mostly because I am cheap and want to avoid having to buy lots of diapers. Plus, they are CUTE. They make his clothes fit funny, but who cares? :)

    We still use disposables at night, because they hold a TON of liquid, and I try to not change his diaper much at night, because it means we get soooo much more sleep. I just nurse him, then roll him over and we fall asleep. I change his diaper in the morning.

    I like changing his diaper because I like seeing the color. HOW WEIRD AM I?!

  2. When my boys were potty training and learning to poop on the potty, I thought they were just the cutest little things!

    They're 4 now, and I don't have to sit there & old their hands while they try anymore, but it sure was cute while we were learning!

    How weird is that I loved to watch them learn to poop in the potty?

  3. Hi Jess, Love your blog.
    I used Bum Genius nappies on our little girl and loved them. We have the one size fits all so we were able to use them for ages. I always had some disposables handy just in case I didn't get to the laundry!
    Love Mel

  4. Cute clothes :) Be careful about saying that you like changing diapers though - your friends might come to you with their little ones! :) :) :)

  5. i love bum genius too. parker has quite a few bum genius AIO's & they work great. we use FLIPs & some prefolds with thirstie covers too. i'm sure you wanted that whole run down.

    & what is it about babies in big stripes?? those pj's get me everytime :)

  6. Baby Gap has put a major dent in my ability to save. In a world where baby girl clothes dominate the cuteness factor, Baby Gap is one of the few that pulls through for the boys!

  7. ha! i love my little guy's bum...even still now at 19 months! they are so cute :)

  8. yay! I'm so excited to hear that you like the cloth diapers. We're planning on cloth diapering too, but I need start creating a little bit of a stash soon. He's going to be here before we know it!

  9. Don't talk to me about cloth or I'll drive you crazy...
    We're definitely advocates...err...FANATICS for cloth diapers :)

    And those two sets from Gap are my favorite items there right now!
    I'm swooning... I'll just enjoy them vicariously through Kael!

  10. My family always used cloth diapers. One further advantage: when you're done with them someday you can use them as rags for just about anything! :)

  11. Aw, someone just sent me that gray and red striped number for my (as yet unborn) little nugget. Can't wait to put it on him come December.

  12. You're not alone in enjoying the diaper change. Now it's not as fun as it was 6 months ago because my monkey likes to roll over and try to crawl away, but we're still having fun with the cloth diapers. I'm a huge fan. You can do it!

    We've used cloth full-time since the hospital on day one, and I'm still in so much love. And, yes, I think our little boy has such a sweet tushy. It's not always pretty until after it's clean, but it's still so soft and cute. Heehee.

  13. I've been using cloth diapers for over a year and a MUST HAVE is the POTTY PAIL... here is the link:
    The next time Samuel asks you how he is going to clean a diaper the potty pail will be your answer and you will thank me in about six months when your little guy is eating real food.
    : )
    Jessica Coffelt


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