
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Boho Baby in the Bookstore

Yesterday, we had a morning of singing and lounging around with daddy. All three of us spent some wonderful cuddle time in bed, since Sam didn't have to work that morning. It was fabulous! He even let me sleep for a couple of extra hours and took care of Káel. (Little man has been waking up a lot
lately, making my sleeping hours few and far between.)

Happy boy! He's SO expressive in the morning.

Somebody got hungry and didn't want to take anymore pictures. I can't tell for sure but, it is starting to look like two little teeth are showing through his gums on the bottom. He's been drooling like crazy.

Yesterday afternoon, we all went to the bookstore to get out and to have a treat. I was craving a pumpkin spice latte, Sam decided on an Izzy and Káel was happy with his felted rattle from Asher Jasper etsy shop!


Heart-meltingness right there.

You should check out their etsy shop's goodies. They are very whimsical and eco friendly, too.
Click HERE

I found this when I first found out I was prego. I fell in love with the little owl and especially the little blue bird. :)

Daddy had to go to work, so we were saying bye-bye.

We had some mommy/son time as the sun started to set outside in our woods. This little bunny showed up the day I went into active labor. He was itty-itty bitty and has now been living in the pipe on the side of our house ever since. I always tell Kael that the bunny is one of his little Forest friends. ;)

We love being outside! And, the weather has been perfect this week!


  1. I love the pic of you two looking at each other! That is so sweet. : )

  2. eeeeeee! you're having a girl!!!! so excited! your little flower! kael and i want to send her and her mama a present! can you email me an addy so i can know where to mail it to?

  3. wow! he's getting so big! what a cutie. and you look so pretty, too! great photos. i love that last one of him on the quilt. the natural light is so beautiful.

  4. So very sweet little faces :)

  5. I don't believe how fast he's growing!!!! He's so cute, and you look great too. :)

  6. so stinkin sweet.
    You're looking so good!

  7. Your family is adorable Jess!! Can I ask you, where do you get your clothes and headbands? I've been looking all over for some thick, nice headbands, but can't find any of my liking.

  8. i have the exact same asher jasper rattle for our little man, due to arrive dec. 5th. i only wish etsy would've been around for baby number 1; henry russell (now four) would've totally dug their felted people. i love your blog, i'm new and i just had to say that. and your style is what i aspire to style myself like :) does that make any sense at all? late pregnancy does nothing for eloquence in writing.


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