
Friday, August 27, 2010

Dang, THIS is a Contraction

Hey all! Remember me telling you a few weeks back all those "contractions" I was having? Geesh, now I KNOW what a contraction is. Starting last night from 11pm- 4am ish I tossed and turned from discomfort and light contractions. Then this morning...BAM BABY! I found myself around 9am pacing mindlessly as my body felt like it was cranking up the biggest peak on the biggest roller coaster ever. Some interesting sounds and sighs were coming out of my mouth. Can you say, OUUUUCH. Yeah.

But, it was and is FREAKING AWESOME! That deep abiding fear that was plaguing me about my body not being able to go into labor on its own was wiped away. Sure, it was and is uncomfortable as heck...BUT, my body is doing it's thing-my baby is doing his thing. So, it's like a bitter/sweet deal of awesomeness!

Sam and I spent the afternoon chillin', cuddling, walking and watching Up (which I sobbed like a baby through. ha! )

It all makes me smile at the thoughts of all those "contractions" I was freaking out about having weeks back which I now know were just intense Braxton hicks. As a first time momma I had nothing to compare or measure these experiences by. Now, I'm starting to. The moment that first real contraction hit me this morning-WHEW...I knew it, not a question in my brain. There is a definable peak that slowly climbs to almost an insane ouch and then there is that moment of decent which is heaven. :)

I'm getting ready to watch the old "Parent Trap" with Beka waiting for my man to get back from video directing. I'm content, excited and trying relax and go with the contractions I'm having.

I keep imagining my baby boy's little face against my cheek and the feeling of his skin under my lips-looking into his precious eyes...ah! It's my encouraging hope. So dear friends and fellow mommies...we shall see what happens with this Boho Belly of mine in the coming hours.

Much love!


  1. SO excited for you! And good choice of movies. Old Parent Trap is the best.

  2. I think God has so much Awesomeness in store for you and Samuel. Enjoy as many of those moments as possible, because you are going to have the most beautiful, more awesome even than Boho, day EVER!! Welcome Mommy Jess to the best job you have ever, ever dreamed of! Love and Hugs! <3

  3. I'm so late finding your blog but how exciting to hop in the bandwagon at this exciting juncture????!!!! Although I delivered in a hospital it was drug free. I felt EVERYTHING. And I'm not a glutton for punishment. I just knew I could endure. That descent after the peak of contraction IS HEAVEN! Congrats on the new addition! I saw u on Top Baby Blogs. Visit my blog when you get a chance (when the new addition takes a nap maybe?) I own a kids boutique that allows you to swap in the clothes as the kids grows. I have baby boho stuff too :-)

  4. HOORAY! I hadn't seen a post from you in a while, I knew something had to be happening. Congratulations and Good Luck! I can't wait to see the first family photo!!!

  5. So excited for you. I'm praying!!!

  6. I'm praying for you and can't wait to see baby pics! (I'll see them on your mom's facebook you dont think about posting a thing!)

  7. YaY!!! The bump is out!! You are a hero my friend!!!!

  8. Congratulations on the new arrival! I read your twitter!

  9. OOOOH!!! Following your twitter and squealing with delight!!! Congrats on your woodland boy!!!!! Please please keep us updated!! A picture..A name!!! :) Im so glad for you all!! Blessing to you and your precious new family!! Goodbye prego, hello mamahood!!! Jesus is SOOOO good!!! Love and Chocolate! :)


  10. sooo happy for you and Samuel. Congrats. As a mother of five. I love mothering even at the ripe old age of 60.

  11. I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to see pictures of your precious bohobaby. :)

  12. I hope your labor goes smoothly!! thats so exciting to finally meet him!!!
    are you doing a hypnobirth?
    (maybe I should read back your blog?)

  13. eeek! so so happy for you and your little family. i just told the boy last night, what if my body doesn't know what to do?? hope you are loving life to the extreme right now.

  14. Four days later and no post -- I'd say there is a baby!! :) Congratulations!!

  15. Thinking of you and hoping to hear good news! I've loved following the last month or so of your gorgeous pregnancy but can't wait to see you as a momma!

  16. Just stumbled here and hoping you have a healthy happy babe with you! I'm 27 weeks with my fourth and sooo excited :)

  17. are GORGEOUS.

    so thrilled for your lovely family. sending you courage, strength, moxy and peace during this time.



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