
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

41 Week Woodland Mama

"Auntie Rivka" aka my sister in love, Rebekah Fancher of Tirzah Photography took me out side in her back yard to document my ever present, 41 week belly. I honestly didn't feel like it. I had asked her to take a couple shots to remember this stage of my pregnancy. But by the end of the day I totally did NOT feel like doing anything. Being the amazing love that she is, she kicked my butt out of the house and we ventured through the woods! :) We had so much fun.

Click HERE to see her blog on the shoot. :)

I'm all about layering, and finding comfy finds in non maternity places. I got this oh so cozy sleep/out and about top at American Eagle for $3 on the sales rack when I was picking up Sam some jeans. I got it in Medium for a tight fit (above) and large for a loose, off the shoulder look.

I had my weekly appointment with my midwife, Damaris today. Word is, I've progressed in my effacement and dilated-ness! She thinks that I could pop tonight, or later this week. I'm super excited! Samuel was so antsy last night as he looked around the room, then back and my belly. "I want him to come out!" He teasingly proclaimed over dramatically throughout our house. ;) (He makes me laugh so hard, all the time.)

I had THE WORST case of not being able to sleep last night. Not because of discomfort, just the plain fact I couldn't sleep. I found Tetris on my iPhone, bought it and played it for an hour in hopes of falling asleep. Nope. Eventually, with closed eyes I drifted off to sleep around 5 am going through all the baby names we've gathered and trying to picture my babe's little face.


  1. Im so glad Beka kicked your but out and in front of the camera! You look amazing and she did a great job!

    Someone should come up with a iphone game for girls who are in your situation, something tetrisish, but more fun and uplifting.

    Auntie Lotta in Norway are whispering "come out 26th little boy, and I have something pretty nice for you:)"

  2. oh my gosh! you look so amazing!! seriously, i don't think i've ever seen a girl with a 41 week belly look that beautiful! :)
    you're glowing...

  3. You are truly lovely! What a cute baby belly!

  4. Maybe that's what he's been waiting for - his mommy to have another gorgeous photo shoot with his auntie! He didn't want to ruin it by coming out to soon. :)

    You look great, and I'm sure he'll be here really soon!

  5. Hello there! I love your blog.
    I've been admiring your locks, I felt so heavy during my pregnancy that I lopped them all off. Yours look great!

  6. Beautiful!! Your belly has totally dropped!

  7. i can imagine it is super hard at this point. you do look rad still, though. i just got back from my week 40 appointment. no progression at all. i'm curious, how long will your midwife let you go past week 41 without talking about inducing options?

  8. Hey Crystal! It's definitely trying on the emotions...thank you! you are so sweet! :)

    2 weeks past 41 weeks. If nothing crazy happens by Friday I've got to go checked up on at the doctor so they can legally make sure he's fine, i'm fine my placenta's fine etc... then I think by 43 weeks I'll have to make a decision. BUT-we're trusting it won't come to that. A really good girl friend of mine who has the cutest little girl was 43 weeks when she gave birth... and another at 42. Our little stinkers will come! ;)

    Everyone tells me that if it's your first 10-14 days overdue is not uncommon AT ALL. As much as I don't like that, it's comforting in a weird way.

    Be encouraged lovely! <3

  9. also-i know most midwives don't like to-but I just got a v-examin by my midwife and she massaged and kinda swept my cervix to clear it of some of the membranes to loosen things up... that was yesterday and boy oh boy i have had A LOT, of activity going on since. Miss James, from bleubird vintage went into hard core labor the day after having the same thing done.

  10. I am such a believer in doing things the old fashioned way but I know it must be hard to stick to it when the end is so near! Just keep telling yourself "All in due time" :-)
    You are such an inspiration :-)

  11. You are glowing, radiant and beautiful! Yay for mamas to be! <3

  12. I love your blog! I'm a new follower coming from Top Baby Blogs. You are such a fashion inspiration and wow I've never seen a pregnant lady look more beautiful!


  13. Hello Lovely!

    Just curious--have you a name picked out for your sweet boy??? :)

  14. awww thanks for the sweet comments guys! :)

    well, we have some pretty good ideas and a couple names that we are pretty sold on. But, we are going to decide for sure when we hold and see him. <3

  15. OMG Jess,

    I just found your blog on Top Baby Blogs (because I'm a crazy wife that wants to see and know all things baby Lol!!) The moment I saw you I was like OMG you came out on Say Yes to the Dress. I'm glad you are doing well. Congrats on your baby boy.

  16. What a beautiful momma! Your belly is precious.

    Congratulations on your sweet baby boy. What a sweet blessing.


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