
Thursday, April 19, 2012

20 Months

Oh Kael, you steal my heart away every single day. You love being chased more than anything, especially by your daddy. You run EVERYWHERE. Forget walking. Your happy screams are my favorite sounds in the world. My heart can't take it.  The kisses that you've started giving us, unannounced with complete spontaneity have made our hearts explode. Instead of puckering your lips for a kiss, you just stick your bottom lip out and close your little eyes, it's precious.

 I realize more and more every day how affectionate you really are and I'm soaking every second of you up. I find myself getting less work done because I can't get over the wonder of you and your growing little soul. Snuggles on the couch, your sweet smiles that are meant just for me in the morning...this is heaven.

You're obsessed with clocks. Oh good lord. You can spot one on a billboard, in the car, in a grocery store on a tv show, anywhere. It's your favorite word in the world to say. (I'm glad I'm not the only one in the family that is obsessed with them.) You also are in love with rocks, which makes my heart happy. You don't hesitate to run outside, barefooted, onto the gravel driveway to pick out just the right little stones. When you bring them to me, as if they were diamonds, with sparkles in your eyes, it's the world 10 times brighter in my heart. Can I tell you something? I've kept every single one you've given me. I have them all in a little jar. Yeah, I know it will overflow one day but, they are my treasures from your first adventures in life. Building towers in your specific way is a hoot to watch. You wear your thoughts on your face. Your daddy and I have all the entertainment we need just watching you figure things out, processing your thoughts or trying to tell us something.

We've started telling you about your little brother in my tummy. When I ask you where "momma's baby" is,  half the time you point to my belly and the other half you point to yourself with a big grin on your sweet face. You'll always be my baby. Sigh. You are truly Mr. Copycat lately. I realized that when you started grunting and moaning when you get up from sitting down or try to pick something up. You're copying your groaning, achy pregnant momma. haha. It just started getting more difficult to spring off the couch or play on the floor with you and you've noticed, sound effects and all. haha. You little ham.

Little handsome, I love you. We're going to have so much fun this summer. Keep growing in love, calmness and adventure.


My jar full of treasures. 


  1. Watching them grow is such a wonderful experience. Kisses are the best! And he is PRECIOUS!

  2. So Sweet. Hes going to have a true treasure when he gets older. Being able to go back and read all of these.

  3. Oh my goodness, this is so sweet!! I'm sobbing over here in my yogurt, Jess! It's all too beautiful to watch them grown, isn't it?

  4. This makes my heart explode with emotion!!! <3 What joy these blogs will bring to your boys when they're older!!

  5. You are such a good writer Jess! And yes, you got a very handsome little boy there!

  6. Aw! Just imagining him reading this one day warms my heart! How precious :)

  7. I love that you keep all the stones he's given you! That's incredibly sweet and made me tear up a little bit. xoxox.

  8. This is beautiful, so good at describing the feelings of a mama, your a fantastic mommy and I am so excited for your family!! Your boys are blessed :)

  9. 20 months?! It doesn't seem possible, Jess! He's such a bright star, your little one. You are one amazing mama, and I can't wait to see Kael as a big brother.

  10. Replies
    1. oh no. :) i just moderate my comments so they don't get published right away. ;) thank you so much love!!!!

  11. Jessica, your writings are so beautiful that they bring tears to my eyes because you seem to speak the words that most Moms feel and just don't know how to express it. I love reading your blogs....Your such a great Mommy!

    1. oh my gosh that is the sweetest thing you could say. <3 thank you sherry! thank you so much!

  12. Beautiful Jess!!!!! You are such a great mama! Isn't just amazing to watch your little one grow. I am super excited you are having two boys. The world of boys is an incredible world! Much love to you!

    -Alyson @ Peacefulmamma!

  13. sometimes I think the way this generation is obsessed with (instantly) documenting everything is a little crazy, and then I read something as precious and sweet as this and it makes me happy that one day I will be able to do this in this same way. I love this.

  14. Such inspiring love momma! This is just beautiful. I'm so excited for you in all of your baby-hood adventures!

  15. Oh, this is lovely! Your baby sounds to be the sweetest little boy and he looks the part too! I cannot wait to have a little one running around that I can smother with love. You seem to be the best momma in the world and your little man is very lucky to have you.

  16. Beautiful pictures! I just love that he points to both your belly and him when you ask him where mamma's baby is... It brings a smile to my face!

  17. I have been following you for a bit and looking forward to someday creating these memories with our little one... and, my goodness, I don't think that could have more specifically touched my heart than it did today. :) Thank you for sharing!

  18. This is such a sweet post. Makes me wonder what my little boy will be like :)


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