
Monday, January 16, 2012

We Will Survive!

Double pink eye, cold, infection...this little boy has been having a rough time. Thankfully we just finished with the puffy pink eye business, but now his last 2 molars are throwing a fit. haha. We will survive! ;)

The past couple of weeks, our days have felt like one bug after another being fought off. Stomach flu, double pink eye, and an assortment of colds... I'm in hunker down mode, stuffing our faces with vitamins and supplements, while trying to comfort whoever is sick (I'm in that batch as well.) ha. I tell you what, I never appreciate my simple healthy days like I should until myself or one of my sweet ones gets sick. I've gotten some sweet notes and comments from you lovelies asking where I'm at. I've been here, being nurse, mommy and patient. 

My sweet husband, is THE MOST AMAZING guy ever! Ladies, when I started getting sick this man tackled an extremely long grocery list that involved several stores and weird ingredients without a plight. He even brought me flowers and was super Mr. Mom for several days, all the while waiting on me hand and foot. I really dislike being sick, but one bright thing that can happen is the wonder of those you love shine a little louder and sparklier. <3

Sam has some really exciting things going on with his business that is just sending my heart over the moon. And there are so many things I'm excited to share with all of you beauties about this year and our plans! It's going to be amazing!

One of my best friends is having a big birthday bash dance party this coming Saturday! (90's hip hop) A group of us girls are going to bring it with an AMAZING hip hop routine. Watch out. I've been so sore from practicing and shaking my booty,  then getting a stomach flu on top of that. I am worn out. BUT, it's gonna be SO dang awesome!!! I might put myself in quarantine to make sure I DON'T catch anything else that would block me from the dance floor! ;) Just kidding. No, but really, don't you sniffles and headaches even THINK about it! ;)

I know this is random, but have any of you NOT heard about The Pioneer Woman? This amazing California girl who met, fell in love then married a cattle rancher. They moved out in the middle of nowhere and now she is the super of all women. I'm serious. She is one of my new heroes. Cooking, photography, blogging, homeschooling...the woman does EVERYTHING amazing. I tried my hand at making one of her most popular recipes, chicken tortilla soup. Oh.My.Word. You just need to check her out. ;)

On sick, or yucky days, you won't really find me on my blog. But, you CAN and prob will find me on Instagram (boho baby bump) , Pintrest and Twitter! :) You can connect and stay up to date with little bits and pieces of our day that way. I hope you all have been having a fabulous January!

Lots of goodness and cheers to no more sicky bugs!



  1. i've been wondering where your posts were. i've missed them on my feed. :( sending you and your family "get well soon" vibes!!

  2. Seriously! Here's to no more sickness! And to finally getting all of those darn molars in.

  3. Glad you're all feeling better (hopefully little man's teeth will stop bothering him!). Oh my, the Pioneer Woman is magical! I discovered her a year or so ago and almost every recipe I have tried by her is DELISH! And her photography is amazing. She also has a show on the Food Network now! Yup-I love her.

    Have an awesome time at the birthday dance partay!!

  4. Hope you are all feeling better soon. Being a sick momma is no fun!

  5. Aw you poor things! Sending prayers your way and have fun at your dance party!


  6. awe praying you all feel better very soon and that ya'll are covered in health during the remainder of the flu season.

    My Judah was sick for a few days recently and we had to hunker down, thank God it only lasted a few days.

  7. One of my favourite bloggers is Backwoods Mom ( - she fosters and adopts kids, always has at least eight in the house, bakes bread, homeschools, is building their new house...and all of this goes on in Alaska! She is so awesome, you should definitely look her up!

    Hope you are all feeling better soon x

  8. Oh no! Hope you are all feeling better soon!! Nora is also having a flu:( no fun!

    funny, I just discovered that site yesterday. Downloaded som actions:)

    skype you later!

  9. Feel better soon, Gatlyn crew! <3
    I must admit to being excited to see you on Pinterest...I've already pinned a few of the wonderful photos you post here on the blog. :)

  10. My children are middle school aged but those baby days where everyone was sick (including me) were horrible. I often look back on those and think if I could get through a house of roto virus (all four at once) I can do anything! Hope you feel better


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