
Monday, January 30, 2012

Mall Walker

This morning, I woke up with a determination to exercise. I've been feeling so crummy physically and I know the main lifestyle choice that ALWAYS makes me have more energy and spunk is working out. I quickly thew on my work out clothes while the thought was still appealing to me.

Well, this morning it was freezing cold outside, so outdoors was kind of nixed.  I wasn't going to let that stop me. I was going to put my New Balance kicks on, gosh dang it, and go walk. So, to the mall I went, tugging my little toddler with me. It kind of hit me that I was going to be a mall walker today...maybe even all week or forever... Ha. I always prefer being outdoors but, on cold or wet days the mall is a great option.

I found myself subconsciously establishing my pace and my "lane" with over 2 dozen sweet elderly ladies and gentlemen, who could definitely out walk me any day and, a few moms sprinkled here and there. Most of the obvious mall walking veterans were so sweet and gave me warm smiles. But, after a few side glances from others, I wondered if I needed some sort of initiation to join this club. ;) Sorry guys, don't mind me, the new girl. All in all, it was awesome. I walked at a brisk speed for about an hour then afterwards, rewarded myself with some shopping at baby Gap with christmas gift cards. Little boy decided to take a nap for the better half of our mall excursion, which let me shop with full style and deal brain in force.

Cheers to mall walking and many more days of it! ;)



  1. love the mall walking! i'm used to the gorgeous NC weather and since we moved to the PNW this year I might have to escape the rain and work it out in the mall!

    1. i loooooove nc weather! do it! it actually was really fun!

  2. I have been following your blog for a little while but this is the first time commenting : - O
    What a great idea to walk around the mall on cold, yucky days!

    1. YAY! i actually found out today after i got home from walking that the coffee shops in the mall offer a discount to mall walkers! haha so there is kind of a mall walking club! ha! so glad to connect with you and look forward to checking out your blog!

  3. I LOVE going to the mall to get out of the house with my daughter, especially when it's so nasty & cold outside. Glad you had fun!

  4. Ha, ha! Too funny! I have been known to do this from time to time! No shame, lady. No shame.

  5. hahah... mall walking! i love this. what a neat way to get your workout on girl :). props and blessings


  6. Haha! I love that! It's a good idea because you get your exercise and your shopping in one swoop!


    1. i know! i found myself having to use some self control in the food court cinnamon rolls. it's like, if i have one, all that walking was in vain, but they smell oh so good! haha

  7. Nice work Jess:) This has inspired me, I'm going to go for a walk tomorrow! Thanks Jess I love your blog. Keep posting, you are so loved:)
    Love Jem


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