
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Little Warrior Forest Bear

Armed with a hot glue gun, an old dish towel, felt and some brown fabric, I created a 5 minute, no sew, little brave costume for Káel. We just got back from a friend's birthday party, with an old school cowboys and indians theme. Sarah's little boy, Lief turned 3 and it was a party of the year. All the kids had so much fun. If you're wondering, (which of course you are I'm sure) ;) if Sam filmed a video...he did! I'll be sure and post it when he's done editing. I kinda wanted to leave my little Forest in his sweet, fringed garb all day. But, the nap season of the day took it's toll on little sir and it all came off.

Well, we have a masquerade party that we are going to this evening.  So, I'm going to go finish up our masks and do some extra primping of my face and brown curly locks.

Before I sign off, can I just say I've had A BLAST with this fall fest follower party!? Oh my goodness! It's been so much fun connecting with SO many amazing new faces and beautiful hearts! If you have left a comment on my blog and/or are a new follower this weekend, and I haven't responded or connected with you yet, give me a day or two and you'll hear from me. I've read every new comment and have smiled SO big! Can't wait to explore more of your posts and get to know ya!

I better go before it gets too late! Muah!


  1. Oh my goodness, how precious!!! I found you through the followers fest and I am so, so glad that I have! Your blog is beautiful and I can't quit reading through all of your past posts! So glad to be a new follower!!!

  2. What a great costume! Very creative!! Have fun at the masquerade party!!

  3. I'll be this kind of mother one day... I can't wait! :)

  4. love the outfit! Followers fest was fun, thanks for coordinating!

  5. You came up with that in 5're amazing! :) He looks so sweet!

  6. Your blog is gorgeous! I am a new follower from the fest. Em

  7. Oh he looks so cuuuuuuute! Absolutely adorable! I hope my baby is a boy, to be honest! I would love to dress him up like this. :-)

  8. you ladies are so amazing! it was SO fun to get to dress him up like this! hehe! <3
    annie....oh yes, you'll be an AMAZING mommy!

  9. Your son is adorable, however his costume is somewhat culturally insensitive. I live in BC, where there is a large aboriginal/native community and dressing "Indian" is considered racist here. I know that isnt the intent, but something to think about. Dressing as a native for halloween can be hurtful and is similar to dressing up as black or Jewish.
    I am a longtime reader of your blog and am not trying to put you down, just giving a different point of view.

  10. @mean green mom

    I totally appreciate your heart and understand what you are saying and where you are coming from. in fact my friends and I have discussed this. I actually have a large amount of native american heritage and my dad is jewish. My husband actually walked the entire trail of tears several years ago so that is a very close subject you our hears. Our hearts were actually very celebratory in having him dressed as a native american. But, i really respect what you are saying and am so hurt for people of different or fellow ethnic groups that have had society disrespect them with customs, racism, and bigotry. <3

  11. we even had a friend bring native american drums and had a drum circle to teach the kids about the culture. I'm SO looking forward to having days with kael where we dress up in different garb of different countries and cultures, making their food and learning their customs. Perhaps I should have specified, and i actually thought about it for this very reason. But for us, it was very positive and honoring thing. :)

  12. So proud of you Jess. You DO come from a very deep Native American heritage on both sides of your family. How great that you plan on keeping that alive and teaching Kael about it. I remember your Great Grandpa Charlie telling us all sorts of different stories about both the Choctaw and Cherokee heritage in his and Grandma Nellie's families.

    By the way, there are lots of Native Americans that at public events still dress in the indian costumes and celebrate their heritage here in the USA. It's quite beautiful and you can see that they wear it with great pride. I remember being mesmerized by seeing it when I was younger. Again, it is part of our history and heritage.

  13. I found you through followers fest, and I'm so glad I did. What a beautiful corner of the web. The Christmas series I linked up started today... check it out:


  14. it just doesn't get any cuter than babies with headdresses on. :-)

  15. Whaaaat? This is what you came up with in five mins just using what you had at home??? You are seriously so inspire me! I've been following your blog for a while fact, reading your blog inspired me to start my own!
    Hope you had fun at the masquerade party, post pictures! :)
    ps - I love that you are keeping your heritage alive with Kael - how fun for him to learn about his heritage and really embody that for a day. Our little one has a small amount of filipino in her...I don't know much about the culture but we will have to learn about it together when she gets bigger!
    Also - Thanks for helping coordinate the blog hop, fun!

  16. awww nicol THANK YOU! <3 eeeee i can't wait to go explore your blog! you are SO sweet! oh i've had so much fun with this blog hop thing! i think we should do it more often!

  17. I wish we could take pictures of Kael in his warrior party outfit and Adoration in her Tiger Lily costume...together. because that would be perfect.

  18. these photo are absolutely adorable!

  19. seriously cute!! I love how you capture his sweetness!

  20. great costume, i love it! :)

  21. so i basically just did the same exact type of post. so weird!! we are so connected, m'dear! <3

  22. whoops, that comment was intended for your newest post! ;)


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