
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I have been on a sewing conquest, the past several weeks, as I prepare to open my business selling my vintage inspired dollies! Lately, it feels like I've been doing nothing but stuffing legs and arms, legs and arms...and more legs and arms.  haha. I can't wait to share more details and glimpses of the little creations. They are SO sweet!

Meanwhile, my little handsome boy has officially become a full time walker! Yep! 2 days ago, he proved that he can stand up all by himself and now walks EVERYWHERE! When he does,  he has the proudest smirk on his face. I'm kind of glad it took him this long to walk because, it's made his baby stage last longer. I have to admit, I have found a little whimper in my tone when I talk about him baby is a big boy now. :( Thankfully, he is always ready to give me snuggles and blow me kisses.

Yesterday, I caught some kind of weird, 24 hour bug that I thought was the flu. Thank God it wasn't the flu. I'm pretty much recovered today after the sweet care of Dr. Samuel. ;) I tell you what, being knocked off of my feet and bound to the couch with fuzzy blankets and Thera-Flu, makes me appreciate all my normal healthy days, dear goodness!

Have you started decorating for fall yet? We just got our first pumpkins of the year last week. (which made me SO happy!) I am also getting really excited about the fall party on the 28th! I can't wait to see everyone's posts!

Well, I'm going to go back to stuffing and stitching! Have the loveliest day! 


  1. seriously adorable photos, i love the first one the best! feel better soon.

  2. I can't wait to see all the dollies finished and ready to go! They are going to be amazing!

    And...he may be a big boy..but at least he's still an itty bitty big boy :)

  3. I absolutely want to buy one of your dolls, they are fabulous!

  4. i can't wait for the dolls!
    i'm hoping to get one for baby girl. : )

    happy you're feeling better!

  5. I love the first picture so much! And I'm also super jealous of it, and any other picture of your sweet baby just hanging out for that matter. How can I get my baby to do that? I think I have a jump from the roof to see if I can fly kid.. :)

    I can't wait to see your dollies!

  6. oh you girlies are SO sweet! haha! I'm really SO excited! Thanks for the sweet words and encouragement!

    @julie haha...oh, don't speak too soon...mine will prob follow in your little one's footsteps haha.

  7. i am loving the hair band you have in your hair! and i am loving this blog!!

  8. Can't wait to see the pretty dollies and your fall party posts! Feel better soon :)

  9. ha! that was a piece of scrap fabric i picked up off my floor while sewing! ;)

  10. hehe, a wee 'tailor' in training possibly? So cute! I have similar shots with my daughter on my lap as I sew - but her pudgy fingers tend to dart towards the needle to eagerly. Eager to see your dollies - and I think I caught that same bug - no fun eh? I like you too by the way. ;o)
    xo mel

  11. I can't wait to see more of your loverly dollies! Will you be putting them up on etsy? Etsy has been wonderful for me in the 18" doll arena. :)


  12. Can't wait to see all the dollies finished and ready to go! They are going to be amazing!

  13. I can already tell that I am going to be needing one of these dolls!! xo

  14. Kael is walking!!!! oh I miss him so.

  15. LOVE that picture of you sewing with your baby! What patience and love come through it! Just found your blog thru Casey and I'm a new follower!

  16. awww dorian that's one of my fav pics. :) yay! so happy to connect with you! :)


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