
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Enjoy the Boho?

I was a home alone momma for 3 whole days (first time) last week, while Sam was gone on a business trip. He was so sweet and asked for us to send him a picture every day... this was his fav. ;) 

Hey Loves, the site Top Baby Blogs has reset their numbers again and I need your help. (They reset every 6 months and I didn't even realize it was that time.) It would be so amazing if over the next few days, you could click on the brown box on the right hand side of the blog that says, "Top Baby Blogs"  and then vote for us by then clicking the owl that you see that says, "vote." :) I have loved meeting so many amazing girls that have come our way from that site and, I would really enjoy the opportunity to meet even more lovelies in the future! Seriously, if you haven't explored the pages of that hosting site,  you really should take some time and do it. You'll find some amazing blogs and might meet some new friends!  If you like reading and following the Boho Baby Bump, would you please send a click our way when you stop by for a visit? ;) Thank you guys SO much, seriously!

If you'd like to send us a vote, you can click HERE and then click the little owl. :) Can't wait to show you the vintage Christmas goodies that I found this past week! Pics will be posted tomorrow! :)

Thanks loves!


Help Our Rank & Visit Top Baby Blogs, Baby Blog Directory!


  1. You have an adorable baby and I love your blog! :) I would love if you would check out mine! :)

    Blogger love,

  2. Voted for ya! Yay for number 7!!! :) Kael is such a little charmer, he makes me more excited to meet my nephew in December! :)

  3. I love that picture of your baby!

  4. thank you girlies! yeah siri, going to stop by now. :)

  5. I do enjoy the Boho so I voted! If you have time, I invite you to stop by my blog for a look-see:

  6. Oh I love that boy (and you) so much. Y'all are precious.

    Also I am voting for you daily my dear.

  7. of course i'll vote! i love supporting other mommies. :)


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