
Monday, September 12, 2011

2 Year Anniversary

Two years ago today, surrounded by towering trees and friends, I started a life with THE most amazing, loyal, romantic, sweet and handsome man alive. We celebrated our anniversary this year with a couple's massage that was AMAZING and then a nice, fancy dinner. We finished the night with frozen yogurt and a relaxing stroll around Charlotte, while we reminisced about our love story and our dreams for the future. It felt SO wonderful to be able to be my crazy self, acting silly and twirling around on fountain ledges, trying to catch Samuel's eye in that flirty way. Oh how I enjoyed every moment of our anniversary celebration date! (Last year, I felt like I was a walking piece of tenderized meat, still recovering from Káel's birth.) What a difference a year makes!

I love you Samuel Gatlyn, you are my dream love.

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  1. Congratulations on 2 years! Many more to follow, your wedding looked beautiful from the pictures and video.

  2. i love this so much, and i love your love story.. the very first time i ever saw this video, i bawled my face off and was amazed that you took basically what my dream wedding is, and made it REAL. i STILL cry every single time i see it, and i still watch it often. you guys are amazing, your love for God is amazing, your love for each other is amazing, and your love for your family is amazing.. you're so inspiring. bless you two, as you walk into your 2nd year of marriage, may this be the BEST year yet, filled with so many surprises, and overwhelming love.. and may there be 50-60-70 or MORE years to come! :) love you, jess! <3

  3. You two are one of the most vibrant couples I've ever seen. Your wedding was beautiful and amazing. My three year old daughter asked if she could have a wedding like this and wear a white princess dress like yours. :)

  4. Happy Anniversary :) You two seem to be the sweetest-spirited people. Your wedding video, ceremony, and love for each other is so beautiful :)

  5. Congratulations on your anniversary! I love your wedding video! Every time I watch it, it makes me cry! It was truly beautiful! God Bless your marriage and your family! :)

  6. I love that you are my crazy hippie friends. I have watched your wedding video like 5 times and cried every time...

  7. Wow ... this is incredibly beautiful. Your video brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing couple you are! Congrats on your anniversary!

  8. oh my stars, this video is amazing!! i love it! your wedding looks like it was pretty magical. you look beautiful, tears and all. and i can totally tell how in love you are just by the look on your face in so many of the shots. amazing! oh and the dresses the girls! i want one! haha!
    happy anniversary! sending love.

  9. thank you wonderful beauties SO much for your sweet words! <3

  10. Happy anniversary! I never tire of watching your gorgeous wedding. The freedom you both share and express is truly inspiring. I love your story! :)

  11. Jess this video is simpy amazing, I can't even find words to desribe it! It portrays the love that you have for each other in such a magical way. I celebrated my 3rd wedding anniversary on the 12th September too, it is a magical date.
    Thanks you for sharing with me.

  12. Wishing you both a very happy anniversary...and thank you so much for sharing with us, your readers, your love and your story. Beautiful!

  13. What a GORGEOUS wedding! I absolutely loved that you guys chose to do teh washing of each others feet during your ceremony. So meaningful. congrats

  14. Happy anniversary to the both of you! You had an absolutely beautiful wedding..

  15. As I was reading your blogs it seems like you and your family are pretty lad back. I think that is great. I was wondering if you have ever heard of a company called SallyeAnder Soaps. They make an all natural handmade soap that does not include chemicals or toxins making it safe for babies. And with a new born in your family that is important. My wife and I have been using their soaps for almost 3 years now after our neighbor recommended their soaps to us. Here is their website if you wanted to check them out. Their Calendula & Chamomile Shampoo Bar is amazing especially for craddle cap with babies.

  16. Congratulations on your anniversary! I loved watching your wedding video! So special - thanks for sharing!
    :) Martine

  17. Happy anniversary! Congratulations on all the love that is and will continue to be!

  18. May I just say that your wedding was absolutely amazing and so so beautiful?! It makes me believe in love. I have been following your blog for a while now and I hope you never forget how beautifully contagious your style and happiness are! Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary!

  19. oh man, i remember watching this (over and over) shortly after I got engaged and dreaming of having a wedding like yours. That's been two years ago! woah. I will also admit that I watched every other video on the youtube channel, might I add SWEETEST proposal ever! :)

    We washed each others feet in our wedding because i saw it in yours and loved the meaning behind it. Our wedding video is almost done and it is killing me that I can't watch it yet.

    Congratulations to such a beautiful couple!


  20. Congratulations! May happiness and bliss follow you everywhere!

  21. that was simply fantabulous! :} is the foot washing in reference to jesus washing his disciples feet (showing preference)? i know some people do that for different symbolism, but i would like to know what yalls was...

  22. oh my goodness you guys...thank you for expressing how much you enjoyed this. :) really! <3

    laura....yeah, that is once of the main reasons we did it...showing that we selflessly adore the other and put aside dignity to do so if needed. :) it was one of my favorite parts of our ceremony.

  23. I really love your veil, its the perfect combination of tradition and fun. Where did you get it?

  24. my headscarf and flower piece i made myself and the actual train veil was made by a friend of my sister in law's in kansas city. :)

  25. I'm balling over here in san diego. haha. love this so much and it just inspired me to stay true to myself during this wedding planning process.


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