
Friday, August 5, 2011

Loving My Neighbor-hood!

So, we are beginning to settle in our new home and I am in the process of "setting up house".  There's just something so exciting about moving into a new home and making it your own. And,  I have to tell you guys again that, I adore our new house and absolutely LOVE our new neighborhood!
Our house has so much potential and character!

The first night here, our dear friends and neighbors, Jason and Kate dropped by.  It was wonderful to see them pull up in our driveway and knowing that they lived so close by.  We enjoyed a cup of chai tea and spent a couple of hours visiting.  Kate and I were giggling about how wonderful it is going to be being neighbors.  Kate also has a lovely new blog that you guys can check out HERE.

Then the next day, I met my sweet new elderly neighbor, Miss Edna.  She was SO precious!  She is in her 70's and is just as sweet as she can be.  She wanted to introduce herself and brought me over some homegrown tomatoes, telling me to help myself to some whenever I wanted. :)

I still have TONS of unpacking to do and I am also deep in the throws of preparing for my friend's baby shower that we are having tomorrow.  Yesterday, I painted bottles and did all sorts of creative fun stuff to get ready for it.  I can't wait to take pics and share the funness of it all with you. It's been hectic, but awesome.

Well, better get back to my super long "to do" list.   You loves have the loveliest of days!

 Hanging with Kate & Jason!

Forest boy helping daddy set up the entertainment center.

Vintage teapot from our wedding, now our spoon and spatula holder.

Miss Edna's fresh homegrown tomatoes.

Creating for the baby shower.

View of backyard from my kitchen window....loving my trees!

Thank you guys so much for helping us in the rankings on TopBabyBlogs with your votes! I really, really appreciate it! If you could please keep it up by clicking the link below, me and my little fam would be super grateful. You guys are the best! xo Jess

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  1. Settling in is suuuuch a nice feeling. That's great you have friends super close now too. :) Sea Marie

  2. what a lovely backyard- THAT is pretty darn cool, and i'm sure your darling baby will appreciate that as soon as he gets a little older :) i'm glad you settled in well, and that you're off on a fresh, great start. good luck with everything and i hope you make the best out of this new move!!


  3. your new neighbor sounds so unbelievably precious!
    love it. : )

  4. Sounds like a lovely neighbourhood :) And a very pretty backyard! Since moving I've heard my neighbours playing guitar and CD's from my church, so I'm dying to meet them!


  5. Thanks for all the well wishes guys! And for the support Annie!;-)

  6. I want to come be your neighbor! ;-)

    vintage mama XO

  7. Nothing like living in a great neighborhood, location, location, location. You should def post pics of the shower, looks like you're off to an adorable start!


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