
Friday, August 19, 2011

Sneak Peek Sewing Project

vintage trims from samuel's grandma

Here is a  little sneak peek from a sewing project that I've been working on the last couple of days...I'm SUPER excited about this! I'll show you what I made on Monday. (I don't want to spoil the surprise for the birthday girl!)  There are lots of tiny birthdays for some very special littles coming up and most of them are little girls! This means the "ribbons and bows" side of myself is going CRAZY! I haven't made time for a sewing project since the week I went into labor. It's been that long. That's kind of sad seeing that I used to burn the midnight oil, creating things on my faithful Kenmore all the time. My heart was singing like a little bird while I was cutting, pinning and stitching this project!

One thing that I have found myself running into over and over again is having SO many amazing ideas for projects and desires, to the point where creativity is oozing out of me but, it just stays stagnant. More often than not, it doesn't go anywhere. Somewhere in the slowly evolving routine known as motherhood, daily stresses, family drama, dinner, moving or a million and one other things that pop up week to week,  all those ideas, those "could have been" creations, get all dusty and become yet another pinboard of "one days" on pintrest that I browse through longingly.

 It baffles me when I'm in the middle of a belated project, why I don't make time to explore and dance with my artsy side more often? I'm at one of my happiest times and most stress free when I do, so why don't I make more time for it? I'd like to blame everything on everything but, that's just going to keep me sitting here on my couch, staring at my computer screen instead of on my deck painting, writing a song on my guitar, singing with a friend, sewing a surprise on my sewing machine or re-finishing the table that has been sitting there for months. Go buy the dang spray paint. Plug in the sewing machine. Go ahead and make steps toward checking those fabulous things off from your list, Jess. You really can. Even if you have to start small, make a hair bow or up-cycle a t-shirt, just DO something!  I have found that once I do one creative thing, it's easier for me to do another.  And soon I find myself looking at the girl I used to hang out with all the time. Sure there is extra mommy grace for myself.  It IS more challenging to find time now that I'm a mom, but it's not impossible.

The points I'm trying to make to myself are these:

  • Creating things makes me happy, it's like therapy for my soul...make more time for it.
  • I'm going to keep my sewing machine at a reachable distance.
  • I'm not going to let my day or the stresses that might come with it, tell me what to do or dictate to me the realities of my heart or creative side.
  • Just stop, and do it Jess, you can...really. 
Are there any creative mommies out there that want to give me an amen? ;)

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  1. I can totally relate! I love to write, crochet, and knit and I used to always find time for my thoughts and when the naps are long and baby girl goes to bed early (every other blue moon) I find myself sitting in the kitchen thinking of all the things that I "should" be doing. I indulged last night and picked up my needles...oh how wonderful it felt to just sit and create and be me...for just a little while. So...AMEN sister!

  2. I'm no mother but can I say amen? (Does a nanny count?) :) I have a folder on my desktop labelled "make these" and this week I wrote down a goal - to make just one project of the hundreds I have saved and just look at every now and then. I also just signed up for a sewing course through the blog A Beautiful Mess and I'm so excited for each new project. And SO excited to see projects from you! :)

  3. :) yaaaay for the amens! :) go girls!!!

  4. Amen and I hear ya missy! Ha! The older I get, the more I realize, if I don't schedule it in my day, it probably won't happen! Love that you are making time for your creative self and can't wait to see the fruits of your labor! ;)

  5. Jess! You were made to create, in the image of, you know WHO. I find that it feeds my soul in a rich way. yum. I just wrote a teeny bit about this Love you and your cutest little family.

  6. i totally agree! i always connect with God when I make things with my hands. i actually wrote about "meeting God at my sewing machine" today on my blog - you should come and check it out!

  7. YES and amen... i don't know if you followed my journey to do 25 projects in 25 weeks (found on my blog but I wrote an almost identical blog post to this... filled with frustration at myself for stifling my inner creavity... the stuff that makes me happy and God happy... and others too! (cuz it's impossible to make stuff and not give it away!) anyways, i set goals. made myself accountable to my blog readers and i actually did 20+ projects in 25 weeks believe it or not... and mind you, this was with a little one so i had to use my naptime/bedtime window wisely! and avoid the computer (time-suck!) like the plague!!!

    now that i have another little one, the creativity has slowed down but i refuse to put it up on the shelf again to get all dusty! my sewing machine is within reach and shares my dual purpose desk with diaper changing supplies, but hey... you just gotta make it work "tim gunn sytle" ;)

    you go girl! can't wait to see what you create! you can do it!!! don't deprive the world of your beautiful spirit displayed in your inspired projects. we are never more like our amazing God than when we're creating :) remember that!

  8. I'll throw my amen in the ring :)

    It seems like everything I want to do gets bottlenecked and I have to make myself calm down and remember that I can't do everything (and neither can anyone else!).

    The only things I really rag myself about are when I find myself sitting doing nothing, staring into space or at the tv. That's just unacceptable. I'm not a huge fan of tv, but if my fingers are working while I'm watching, then that's a different story.

  9. Amen, sister! I find myself, again and again, with these same thoughts and realizations...minus the guitar {I don't know how}.
    Do it, girl. Make it happen.

  10. Amen. I've been feeling that way lately too. Started crafting with my little and she and I have been having a blast. :)

  11. aw thanks lindsey! <3 i can't wait to check out what you wrote!

  12. you all are amazing- i'm glad i'm not the only one out there who has felt like that. looking forward to reading your posts. :)

  13. I love love LOVE the colors and patterns you've go there. Can't wait to see the finished project!!!! <3

  14. Beautiful photos and beautiful words as always :) I feel like everyone who knows you ought to be very thankful to have such a kind-hearted friend.

    I really loved this post. Summer is by far my busiest and most hectic time of the year - between school, home life, and working 50-60 hrs instead of my usual 20-ish I always prioritize work/school/cleaning - all things that need to get taken care of, but then neglect the things I need to do to keep myself happy and sane. My favorite bullet point was the very last one - Just do it :) - because at the end of the day, that's all it really takes to get that positive creative energy going.

  15. Also - as if that wasn't enough rambling ^ :) My grandma, who has been a seamstress all her life, just gifted me a sewing machine when she and my grandpa came out to visit my parents from South Carolina. She wanted to give me a little lesson while she was here and at first I was overwhelmed by how effortlessly she could pin, cut, pleat, etc. and bust out a beautiful shirt when I could barely make a straight line and all I'd intended to do that day was put together a bag or something simple, but it finally hit me to stop being frustrated and enjoy the moment of learning, because I won't always have that opportunity.

    Anyway - I can't wait to see the beautiful creations you're sure to come up with and look forward to the day when using my machine will become second nature and I'll be able to tackle all those "someday" projects!

  16. you are SUPER sweetness...thank you!!! you are amazing! (hug)

  17. Big amen! I often sit at my computer "relaxing" and looking at cute art projects when I could be truly relaxing by doing them. It's nice to know I'm not alone!

  18. ohhh, can't wait to see what you're creating!!

  19. Hey Jess, it looks exciting! I am just before buying a sewing machine. What would you recommend? Thanks! Can't wait to see the final thing!

  20. Oh I am just lovin your blog;) Hello! & Amen! So agree, creativity drives me crazy happy! Can't wait to see what you are working on!


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