
Friday, August 26, 2011

Designs, Doodles and Drawings: David Stanfield

For this wonderful Friday, I wanted to share the designs of a friend of ours, David Stanfield! David is my dear friend Lorean's husband and Micah Lyric is their baby girl. He is an incredible designer and artist and he just put a selection of his drawings online.  You can purchase either a print, hoodie or t-shirt design. I'm so excited about this! I'm looking forward to getting a couple of prints! Check him out and enjoy! A lovely Friday to you dears!

Click HERE to see more of his amazing work! :)


  1. I think I need a T-shirt with the bicycle print! Really very very sweet!

  2. I KNOW! he is amazing! what he has on that site is just a sliver of the stuff he does! i'm hoping he puts more up on there! my fav is the bicycle too annie!

  3. Just dropping in to wish your little one a Happy One!

  4. These are all so great! Thanks for the tip.

  5. love it! just ordered one for friends of mine who just got married :)


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