
Monday, August 15, 2011

Finally a Fit!

I did a little victory dance the other night, as I was unpacking boxes of my clothes. I found my knicker over-alls from California at the bottom of a pile.  I almost stuck them in the "later" section of the "don't fits" pile.  But, I thought to myself for a moment, why not try them on for kicks?  So, I did.  They were LOOSE! I haven't been able to wear these since right before I found out that I was pregnant! It was like Christmas for me! Just in the last 3 weeks, I've lost about an inch through my hips! Good Lordy, I can't believe it.

I've had several girls ask me what my secret is and I think, "secret?" It's been a year since I had Káel and it has taken that long for all that extra inches to slowly go away. Everyone's body is different so, what might work for some, might not work for others. I'm working on a post this week of the things that have worked for me and I'm looking forward to sharing it. With fitness and weight loss, I'm of the mindset of what works longterm. Sure, I can do a 3 week, kick butt work out program or diet and it might tone my booty down. But, all that toning and work can be undone over another few months, if you're not consistent. The reality for me is this, will I spend an hour a day sweating like a guy and doing squats until my muscles are on fire? Probably not, even though I might want too. (I actually have a slight obsession with working out when I get in the groove of it.)  I'll be honest, especially with all the transition going on in our lives these past few months, I won't do it. Having realistic goals that won't make you feel depressed, if you don't meet your quota of miles, is how I try to make my goal sticker chart. That way I won't just give up and end up on the couch with a quart of Ben and Jerry's, which I've been known to do. ;)

Anyways, I look forward to showing you my list that has evolved this past year. Maybe it will inspire you, or maybe it will make you laugh. Probably both.

Have a great day! 


  1. Good job! I know how good that feels...
    Breastfeeding is what did it for me, and for someone who puts on weight so easily it really surprised me... :)

  2. YAY for the cute overalls Jess. The only pair I ever owned were maternity ones, lol. So I would be horrified to put them back on, lol.

    You look adorable as always, and you are doing great, OBVIOUSLY....

    Have a wonderful day with your newly discovered pants girl.

    Hugs, Bella :)
    **AMAZE ME AUGUST** @ Bella Before and After Any projects, recipes, diy welcome.
    **PARTY PLANNING TUESDAYS** @ Euro Style Cakes. All your party planning tips, decorations, invitations, and recipes welcome at my NEW party.

  3. i wasn't able to breastfeed long so I never got to know that magical weight loss experience! ha! i can put weight on pretty easily too...dang carbs. ;)

  4. Oh I hear you re: carbs... the one food (group) I cannot give up!

  5. You look really good. I especially noticed how skinny you are in your last post with that cute outfit you had goin' on ;) Way to go, Jess!

  6. You look is key! I had reached my goal before my wedding and swore I would never get back to where I was...well it's been three years and I's so depressing! Can't wait to see what worked for you...

  7. Yay! You look great! Great job! :)

  8. christina....oh i can toootally relate. did the same exact thing for our wedding. yep.

  9. You are gorgeous! I might keep that picture to inspire me :) Can't wait to hear what worked for you.

  10. My goodness girl you are rocking those! I am in a bit of a slump feeling of wanting to get to my pre pregnancy weight but I know Ill get there in time. You are an encouragement

  11. cute! girl, you look so good. not gonna lie, I envy your long limbs!

  12. elisa-you will get there! i know exactly how you feel, give yourself some time! :)

    kristina, i love you. haha thanks

  13. I had a little giggle here, becasue if I put overals on I would look ridiculous, and yet you pull the look off so well!

  14. you're so cute!

  15. you look great! Can't wait to read your experience! :)

  16. I'm a new reader, but I just wanted to say YES! I totally hear you on this one. A few months ago at about 11 mo post partum, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that many of my clothes fit me...regular people clothes that had previously been tight. I didn't actively DO anything to lose the baby weight. I just breastfed, and ate right. And walked places. That's it. As for eating right, for me, that meant eating almost no processed foods and avoiding dairy foods - not because I had any notions of dieting, but because my daughter was allergic to milke protein, which is in EVERYTHING, so I just totally cut out processed foods. I still ate dark chocolate by the case and bacon by the pound, but quality stuff. I really believe that eliminating chemicals in my food helped me quite a bit.

  17. Looove the over-alls! Cute and they look super comfy. Congrats on loosing weight.

  18. congratulations. I remember after I had my first baby and finally fitting in my pants again (he was born 10 pounds, so it took me a year and a half to work that 60 pounds off). . and the same day I found out I was pregnant with my second (thankfully it took half the time to get back down afterwards, since I gained only 30 pounds that time around). haha. You look really great in those overalls. Congratulations again.

  19. wow! you look so good. :) i really like your hair loose and naturally curly too - pretty!
    i wanted to tell you that i am having a giveaway on my blog right now for a necklace and some vintage fabric if you wanna come check it out:
    blessings! lora


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