
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

5 Minute Makeover

Side note: This gray (non-materntiy) top was also my favorite top to wear during my last 2 trimesters or pregnancy. 
 Top: American Apparel
 Skirt: Urban Outfitters
 Sandals: a shop in Jerusalem
 Head wrap: a random jersey knit scarf
 Stone locket: Little bedouin shop in Israel

Lately with packing, the move and then the unpacking, my wardrobe of choice has been limited to a pair of board shorts, my favorite green tank top and flip flops. I'm not gonna lie. My hair is usually twisted up with my hair wrap in a messy bun and I'm lucky if I stop to put on lip gloss. Soon, my cute outfits will all be unpacked and I can get back to styling myself once again. But in the meantime, I have a few pieces of simple threads that I can quickly mix and match for a 5 minute makeover, when I need to go somewhere in a hurry. 

Last week was one of those days. I was a semi-sweaty mess and I had a chance to go hang with some girls and do some crafty knitting. I waited until the last minute (of course) to decide if I could make the time to go. That meant, either going in my grungies (aka, the moving uniform of attire, previously stated above...the shorts I'd worn for 4 days in a row, etc.) OR I could try and throw myself together in 5 minutes. I thought you might enjoy seeing that rushed, thrown together me. These pictures are the result of my comfiest items that pass as cute, a scarf to hide my dirty hair, a couple of accessories, and a touch of mascara. Who says you need hours to get ready? Bam! 5 minutes later and a good dose of deodorant, emerged  a simple, understated bit of  boho-casual goodness. 
I found this metal and stone locket in a bedouin market in Jerusalem...I like to put little leaves or other treasures I might find in there while I'm out on walks and such. 
I wear these sandals  more than any other shoe that I own. Next time I'm in Israel, I'm buying 5 pairs. 
I did a simple, half-turban wrap with my scarf and found some feathers for my ears.


  1. Love, love, love. More posts like this- I'm inspired.

  2. nice outfit! :) beautiful green eyes!

  3. I have that same shirt and have worn it for both pregnancies! Love it!

  4. i absolutely adore everything about this post. and your necklace? amazing!

  5. Love this post! Your style is so natural and comfortable.... love it. :) Sea Marie

  6. jessica-i know! isn't it the best shirt!?

  7. I love this post, you're such a pretty girl! I would call your style effortless chic.

  8. I love it!! :) I have two of these stone necklaces and just love them. They go with anything! But I must have those shoes. haha I can never find any like these locally.

  9. Love the sandals. Practical, cute and they look super comfy. And what a neat little locket.

  10. You look just like your Momma (who I was so blessed to randomly meet at the Olive Garden in Frisco last summer!)


  11. I agree with Maggie! "Effortless Chic" certainly does describe you! Among many other wonderful words! ;-) This is a beautiful and inspiring post!

  12. Those sandals are THE perfect sandal. You look great!

  13. Oh, you make it look so easy! I love the sandles too, would love to find such a beautiful pair :)
    RHi x

  14. you're beautiful! i wish that i looked this good in 5 minutes!

  15. I have a locket like so as Great Grandmother passed it down to me. I love it! :)

    This is great inspiration! I'm a student who works part-time, so somedays it hits me I should try to spurce up for my hubbs~ good little tips to do so!


  16. Cheyenne!!! Thanks for the great compliment, honey! Can you please email me your email address @ . I want to know how you are doing. XO

  17. Thank you for posting this! I had some style before my son was born. Between having zero money and little inspiration, it has sadly lain dormant for a couple of years now. I'm headed to my closet now!

  18. oh girl you are so welcome! ;) i understand about the zero money... haha-that's right, dig in that closet and put a little lip gloss on! ;)

  19. your beauty and kindness literally burst forth from your face. you are so inspiring, for so many reasons, jess. love the outfit, and i had a pair of sandals similar to those that i got at the portland saturday market last year. they made them while i waited! sadly, our dog thought they made a delectable snack. anyway, love everything you do, my dear. :)

  20. you are so, so sweet! thank you so much girl! sorry to hear about your sandals. :(

  21. In that last picture of you, I see Kael! Wow, He looks alot like you! You are so beautiful! God Bless!

  22. i love hearing that kael looks like me!!! THANKS!!! you are sweet!


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