
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Packing for Our Bungalow

Yesterday was a day full of packing, yummy leftovers and some hopefully exciting news about our potentially new little 1950's bungalow! Ah, I really hope this house works out. It's in a neighborhood we fell in love with and it's just perfect. I'll give you guys more details as soon as it's officially sealed and done. Which...should be today!? Ah!  Here are a couple pics from our day yesterday. I've almost finished boxing up little Forest boy's room and he is always eager to "help" me as you can see below. ;) Our home is slowly turning into a village of brown boxes. 

It's been a real stretching time with us having to move in the middle of Sam still looking for work and so many changes all around us. But, like one of my dear friends told me, lean into this stretching time like you lean into a yoga position. :) The Lord is faithful to us and little windows are starting to open up, letting more and more sunshine of promise in. As Sam and I were getting ready for bed last night, he smiled the biggest smile, sighed and burst out "I love my little family." It was a perfect, simple moment full of sweetness. No matter what is going on, simple, crazy, real love drenches my life. 
a yummy lunch of avocado, tomato and lentils
sam and i heated up some amazing leftovers of his famous quesadillas from last night's dinner with our friend jordan. (who was also one of the midwives who helped deliver káel.) 


  1. Imma eat this box, s'all good Mom I got it covered ;)


  2. Oh my gosh, avocado and baby-in-a-box...two of my favorite things!

  3. We're living in a 1940s bungalow and it's the best! Congrats and I hope everything goes through just fine!! You'll love it

  4. that looks so yummy. your son is toooooo adorable

  5. I just stumbled upon your blog and love it...your little guy is adorable! I have 6 month old fraternal twin is so much fun- good luck wtih the move!

  6. Kael-in-a-box just made my morning :)

  7. I LOVE the pic of Kael peeking out of the Home Depot packing box! Just too darn cute!


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