
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Star Wars and the Sniffles

Well, it started off as sniffles and now it's a barrage of fever, snot and little whines for my Forest boy...and now me. Káel finally went down for a nap just a few minutes ago and I'm all cuddled on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, chicken noodle soup and an old episode of Star Wars (never seen it) with Sam. He was so sweet and went out to the store to get me some of my favorite organic soup and wheat crackers.  I feel way less freaked out this round of my boy getting a bug. I am more prepared and can read his signs way better than the first couple times he got sick. Still, it's no fun watching his little self try to fight off whatever this is. My poor baby.

I'm going to finish enjoying Luke Skywalker and the force. ;) 


  1. this picture of you is so beautiful. get feeling better!

  2. aww, that sounds bad (except the being cuddled on the couch with chicken soup part :D) get well soon! :)

  3. Hope you both feel better soon! Get lots of rest!!

  4. Feel better soon Jess! :)

  5. I hope all sickness leaves your home asap! give that sweet boy a big hug and kiss from me! love you guys! xoxo

  6. hope you feel better sooon!! and who doesnt love star wars?!!

  7. What's your fav organic soup? Because mine is that pacific organic tomato soup you introduced to me in California haha! LOVE that soup!

  8. Wish both of you will feel better very soon... Take care Jess! :D

  9. Girlfriend. Is this a picture of you SICK? It is absolutely beautiful!


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