
Monday, May 23, 2011

Praying For Joplin

Many of you have heard that what they are now estimating is an F-4 tornado, ripped a 4 mile long and 1 mile wide path of devastation through Joplin, MO last night. Reports say that 75% of the city is destroyed.

We were coming home from church yesterday evening when I saw news of it online. I lived right outside of Joplin a while back for a few years, was involved deeply in the house of prayer there, leading worship sets, visiting one of my best friends who is a college student as MSSU pretty frequently and my in-laws have family there. This story is not just a poor town that got hit, it is so close to my heart and personal.  I put Kael right to bed when we got home and started to try and reach my friends who live there. I had knots in my stomach all night as I waited to hear back from them. Calling one friend to hear that they haven't heard from another yet was tearing my soul apart. Two of my friends were in the YMCA right next to the hospital while they're kids were at home alone in the basement when it hit. Some of my other dearest friends were out driving while the storm hit...Thankfully everyone I know is safe. My friends Josh and Brittany who are getting married in just two weeks in Joplin are out with a group, helping the people they can in the city. Please pray for them and the city of Joplin. My heart is breaking. If you'd like to donate or volunteer to help in the relief effort please click HERE.  Thank you for your prayers.
this was the walmart...


  1. Definitely keeping the people of the city in my prayers! God is bigger than that 4 mile long and 1 mile wide tornado! Praying for strength and peace for you and your friends & family! =)

  2. I've been hearing the devastation is 6 miles long. Michel and Susan Fontana were in the Wal-Mart on 15th st but they are ok.

  3. OH my word. :( This has to be the worst natural disaster year so far. I am sending love and prayers to them...

  4. I just found out about this through your blog (I don't have T.V. channels or anything). Wow. That is scary and really sad. I have two cousins and one's husband and 3 kids who live in MO but I don't know how close they are or not from there. Is that house of prayer you used to be involved in the I.H.O.P or am I thinking of the wrong one? I had a friend who lived there for a while.

  5. We're still trying to find my mother in law. The phones are down and we're 1400 miles away :-/

    It's an absolute tragedy.

  6. This is so heartbreaking! Im glad that your friends are safe.

  7. Very glad your friends are safe. How devastating.

  8. the pictures are heartbreaking! definitely keep the city in my thoughts & prayers...

  9. Thank you for sharing your heart, makes it feel more personal to me too. Praying.

    I read this today. I know it says "flood" not "tornado," but it made me think of Joplin: Psalm 29:10 "The LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD sits enthroned as king forever."

  10. Posted that with the wrong account... "Neufeld" is still me. :)


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