
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Frames

I thought I would officially show you beautites my new frames! I am pretty excited about them. My old glasses were cute and modern but, when it was time to renew my prescription, I wanted to get some geeky-chic frames this time around. I have to say, when I have a tossed up knot hair day, they make me feel a little more put together. Even though they are super vintage/geek-chic, they still blend quite nicely  with my boho style. So, yay for cute glasses! (Notice my loooong bangs below? I've been trying to grow them out, little boogers. It's taking for-ev-er!)

I had to throw in this pic of my little woodland boho boy...yes, I know his little get up is too cute for words.  

One more quick thing, you know that Top 25 Stylish Moms list I have been nominated for? Well, there are 2 days left to vote and I just got an email saying that if we make it into the top 25 we will be announced to the 6 MILLION members of Circle of Moms site. Oh my goodness gracious. Thank you loves for voting for me! You are helping me gain more readers and get a ton more traffic, seriously thank you, for reals. 
to vote, click here and click the thumbs up, once a day. thanks love! 


  1. AH!! Babies in braces? Too cool! I've seen some specs like yours but I only need to wear glasses when I'm at work, so nobody really sees me wearing them (I'm usually on my own in the office!). I'm trying to decide how vain it would be to pay to upgrade my glasses even though only I will know about it...

  2. adorable! and you are looking mighty skinny, missy!!! xoxo

  3. Love the glasses, but also LOVE his suspenders. Too adorable.

  4. Awesome! Pretty lady :) Also voted! Eep 2 days left!

  5. Ahh I LOVE his suspenders! haha

  6. i KNOW! aren't those suspenders THE cutest ever!? they have yellow and red too! I want to get some more. eee! haha

    thank you guys, you're the sweetest!

    eleni-oh girl, if you take pictures and post them then WE would see you in your glasses! ;) you totally should if you really want to!

  7. I LOVE them!! Lookin' fly hot mama!

  8. Voted! And I will everyday :)

    Love you mamas!

    ps. LOVE your new glasses!

  9. lauren you be makin' me blush! ;) <3

    dani-you are a gem!

  10. You two are the cutest! I love being on twitter now because I get so many great previews of my favorite bloggers' posts!
    Those glasses are adorable :) I know what you mean about waiting to grow out bangs - mine get So close and then out come the scissors!

  11. You look fantastic in those new specs lady! I have an embarrassing confession to make, I have a pair of fake glasses (there's a pic of me wearing them in a recent post) because I think they look cool...and I secretly hope that one day soon I will actually need real glasses! My husband makes fun of me alll of the time!

  12. oh liv, don't you dare be embarrassed! glasses are like any other accessory...look at them that way. they are eye candy of your eyes. :) hehe thank you sweet girl for voting. <3

  13. Voting every day..from two computers :)

  14. Love your Ray Bans! You look adorable! So does your boy!

  15. You look cute in specs :) I need to get a little prouder of my own goggles :) And I die at how cute those suspenders and skinnies are on your boy. Just too spunky! :)

  16. You and your sweet baby are just too cute. I've been recently introduced to your blog and I can't get enough!
    also, where do you get your AMAZING gypsy headscarves-- love them!


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