
Monday, May 9, 2011

Boho Bikini Body

So my dear lovelies, this morning Káel and I are on the road! We are hitting it with two of my favorite wivesie hearts, Kristina and Anna with their two little baby girls. It's BEACH TIME! The car is loaded beyond capacity, haha. With 3 mommas and 3 babies PLUS gear for a week. Good lordy! We've got a beach house on the coast and will be meeting up with several of our other lady loves, some are already there others will be joining us in a couple days. Eeee! I'm going to miss my man like crazy, being gone from him for 4 whole days but, it will be a fun girly girl time. It will be a feminine re-charge of the soul. AND seeing that I've only had one trip to an american beach for a very, very limited time, this week is going to be heaven to my Jess-ness. I can tell you right now, I'll be coming home with a gazillion shells and a billion pics of Káel on the beach. It should be interesting to see how all the kids do that long out of their normal routine. I'm praying for smooth and happy sailing.

I haven't gotten the polka-dot bikini yet. I'm still planning on it but, I decided to just sport my bikini from last year. I got a new pair of short board shorts to help hold my little wrinkley belly spot in. haha. True story. Yeah, so my sad little post-baby belly button will be fully exposed, so what. It's just some of my closest girls. I slacked in working out the last week but have still been active running here and there, plus constantly moving around with Forest boy. Did I tell you!!!??? I'm only 10 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Hey, for me, that's HUGE! I've only weighed myself twice since Káel was born. I wanted to go by how my clothes fit verses focusing on numbers. Scales can either be amazing or hellish. haha.  First time being weighed was 3 weeks after he was born, boy was that depressing. I gained 70 pounds during my pregnancy even though I biked 10+ miles 4-5 times a week up to my 3rd trimester. I had only lost like 15ish pounds at that point. Then I weighed myself again on his last visit about 3 weeks ago. I felt like I had won the lottery. All of a sudden I had a burst of energy and motivation to keep going. My walks and water drinking had been working! I know myself and know that the last several pounds of your goal can be THE most difficult to burn away...are they ever going to leave!? Yes, they will Jess. Just keep it up and be patient.

By the way, in regards to my belly skin, yes I have lots of it. It DOES shrink more than you might think. For some, it dissapears altogether. For me, I know I'll have it with me until my last child pops out, then its time for a little tuck-tuck. But in the mean time, it has gotten smaller. I think walking up all those hills with the jogging stroller have really helped that and lots of water. Just a little TMI update. =)


  1. congratulations!! that is a HUGE accomplishment!! and i love your mentality, focusing on the clothes and not the numbers. that is so wise! :)

  2. Awhile ago, a friend sent me a link to your wedding video - and still today, it never gets old to me :) I love, love, love your guys' spirit! Simply beautiful.... Thanks for sharing that wedding video with us!

  3. I think you look great! It seems like you lost the weight super fast! I have an extra ten lbs. and I haven't had a baby yet. *sigh*

  4. Have an awesome time! Will you get crafty with the shells? I love your creations :)

  5. GIrl, I feel ya on that extra skin. I will be doing some tucking after my last too :)

  6. Good for you!! And you should always go by how you feel and how your clothes feel. The scale is a fickle beast and will lie lie lie ;) [I say this only because I OBSESS over numbers and don't even own a scale anymore as a result. If my clothes feel good and I can move good, that's all that matters ^_^]

  7. I am in the same postpartum weight loss stage, mama! I just had my second baby and, though the scale says I am back to my pre-baby weight, my hips tell a different story. My skin is still pretty slack and my boobs are still bigger than ever. But we just have to keep up a positive spirit, remember what's important, and stay healthy!! Have fun at the beach!!

  8. aww, I'm so happy for you! I'm looking at the ocean right now and thinking about how that same ocean is leading to you:)

  9. Congrats, but for realz you are stunning... Everytime I look at your blog I am like is she for real. True beauty.

  10. that's so awesome, congrats! i'm finally only 5lbs away! (to be fair, i only gained 22lbs vs your 70 BUT instead of losing after baby, i GAINED 14 extra pounds!) so, even though i've lost 30lbs, i'm still not there! being a mom is tough. oh, and i'm right there with you on the tummy tuck... plus something in the boob department by then, i'm sure!

    keep it going!


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