
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Beach Babies... Day 2

Day 2 was the most fun beach day for me. After having a good long nap, Kael and I headed outside for some ocean adventure. Forest boy was a little apprehensive about the sand and water at first but, after observing from the safety of the clean play sheet, he decided to explore. First, it was his pointer finger in the sand, then all of a sudden handfuls of sand were being grabbed, becoming a new snack and the beach was now his racetrack. haha. I had a moment of hesitation as he munched on the sand. I mean does that really taste good? Have you seen that movie documentary called "Babies?" If you haven't, you really should. The babies who were in Africa, (they were my favorite) they would play with rocks, bones and corn husks. The moms didn't seemed very worried. I looked at Kael as he had a clump of beach in his mouth and thought to myself, if you were a baby born in Africa, your momma would let you do that. haha. I quickly decided that I was just going to let him explore and taste pretty much whatever he wanted. Heck, he was happy, confident and unafraid. I was going to ride that wave as long as I could. His favorite afternoon snack ended up being the reeds that had been washed up by the dunes. haha. Oh my little, sweet boy. Countless handfuls of sand, gnawed on sea shells and pulverized beach reeds later, he was and is just fine. Yay for chilled motherhood!

He played for 3 hours out there you guys! 3 HOURS! He eventually passed out on my chest as I sunbathed and sat there talking with my girl friends.  It was perfection. 
sparrow and kael enjoying some sunshine. 
sparrow being a little beach babe model. 

my beach buddy
kael wanted to learn a little about fashion from autie kara as she read instyle mag. it was so cute, he stayed there listening and watching her. 

beach reeds!
my little pirate boy
so tired
bath time after a long day in the sun. i think i'm still finding sand in his ears and between his toes. 


  1. and sand in his diaper*pewp* how much sand did that kiddo eat!? haha! so awesome!

  2. Aw he does look like a little pirate boy! Gorgeous photos! I live quite close to the beach and weeks after going I still find sand in my hair!

  3. I love, love, love the pictures!! What a great week you all had!!

  4. Oooh! What a very handsome boy you got there ;)

  5. Adorable <3 I remember when I was a kid and played in the sandbox all day. It would be pretty much packed into my hair and shoes by the end of the day lol! The sink bath is so cute :D

  6. What a cutie! You make me want to go to the beach with my family RIGHT NOW! :)

  7. is that a tattoo on your wrist???

  8. AWh! babies are enjoying beach Day thats cool and i love the hats they wearing.

  9. you have great pictures, and such a warm blog- I'm curious- I came to this blog site knowing your husband was on the worship team at Morningstar, but I have never heard the church mentioned here (probably because it's about babies- haha!), but since I haven't heard you mention religion at all, I'm not thinking I must have had a different guy. I'm glad I found your blog by accident!

  10. that's my friend kara, she was helping me make sure he didn't bonk his head while i took some pictures. :)

  11. I'm such a huge fan of your blog! I've been looking at all your posts and falling in love with them. I just started a new blog, a baby & kids gear blog. anyway, I'd love to have you check it out.

    I'm a new follower! excited to see your future posts.

  12. awww...yay! i'm so looking forward to browsing your blog!

  13. Good for you! I can't stand fussy mothers! Love your little pirate ;)

  14. Sweet pictures and looks like mother enjoying every move of!


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