
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Boho Days

After seeing some of my fellow bloggers do features on their blogs where they document their day for you to see, I decided to do some of that myself. I really enjoyed doing it and think I will create more posts like this in the future. It kinda made me stop and savor each precious little moment as it happened throughout the day.

This was our Thursday. Thursday was my "get ready for garage sale day" much fun. That day, I discovered that Forest boy likes to eat Urban Outfitter tags and enjoys pulling stuff out from under our bed. Sam made me a yummy breakfast before I started working on the garage and after his morning nap we took little man on a walk into town. After that, I made us some stir-fry, as my men provided beautiful music for me on their pianos. ;) SWEETEST moment of the day. Káel helped his daddy finish up our taxes as I went on a purging/organizing spree throughout the house and garage. I kept finding stuff that was cluttering my spaces and it felt so good to get it out.

After some hours of putting my little sale together, I brought Káel out to the garage with me to help me and where he could play. Daylight started to windup and it was time to get ready to go to my favorite thing in Charlotte, "Wive's Club"! WC is just a bunch of us wives that get together to talk, laugh, cry, encourage and support one another in our day to day lives as wives and moms. It's the bestest! I usually leave little man at home, but decided to bring him so that he could see some of his friends. He loved playing with Micah, my friend Lorean's baby girl. So, there's my day for ya! Enjoy loves!


  1. love the photo of Kael and Sam playing piano - thats the cutest little piano!

  2. I just adore the piano pictures! SO PRECIOUS!

  3. OMG!! the shot of the two of them at the piano is just plain priceless. You need to put that one up on the wall above it.

  4. Um can I just say I love your hair wavy and down like that... It makes me want to do a whole different photo shoot with you!

  5. haha...anna, my bed hair. i love you.

  6. your family is so precious.
    the piano moment is just gorgeous! timeless.

    you, my dear, are beautiful.
    your hair in that second picture line-up makes me want to grow mine out. :)

    there seriously is nothing like a picture of a sleeping little one.

    i love "Day" type posts! ♥

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You are soo beautiful even with bed hair. I love the picture of Samuel and Kael on the piano - so precious.

  9. Little man is getting so big! Can't believe he's old enough to be that big already! Love the al naturale photo. So beautiful even sans make-up!

  10. You are such a natural beauty... it shows in your morning pic. Also that garage sale looks pretty legit! Hope it went well!

  11. You have REALLY pretty hair :) And I would have loved to have been at that garage sale!

  12. you and your boys..
    so sweet.
    i like posts like these!

  13. Two thoughts. The piano one (with the guitar on the side) needs to be framed and put on your wall. It's so beautiful. ...and I wish I could go to your yard sale. :) Those brown shoes look cute!.

  14. I love the piano picture too. Sweetest.


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