
Monday, April 11, 2011


Samuel recently found the most amazing, simple toy for Káel. A package of foam, bathtub abc's. He LOVES them! He'll chew on them, throw them everywhere, put them in the bowl then out of the bowl, talk to them. It's one of the most entertaining things to him right now. The past few days, I'll find him sitting in the same spot that I had left him several minutes before, just playing away with all the brightly colored letters and numbers. Bathtub ABC's are a big yes!

We've so been enjoying having Sam home these past few days. Like I mentioned before in a previous post, Sam is job hunting right now and what that means to me is that Káel and I both have extra Daddy/snuggles for the time being. With his previous job, even when he was home, he would always have emails and phone calls that he had to respond to non stop. Even though it's tempting to kinda freak out, we both have a super big peace in our hearts and are just enjoying each other and this little window of extra family time. We know something even better is right around the corner. Sam's using this down time to study and mess with some more editing/special effects programs that he'd been wanting to learn (he's a video/producer/editor guy) but didn't have the time to delve in to them.

Right now, I'm in heaven. Sam and I are lounging in bed while Káel is entertaining us by squealing and talking into the mirror here in our room. I love my little family so much! I have to share with you, I've been looking at name books again. Uh-oh. haha. We're not planning on having another little darlin' for at least another year but, that still kinda makes me excited for when we do. So, why not look at names right? ;) I have a few names that I am SO excited about... Oh! Did I mention I'm planning another baby shower? Yep, one for this summer. Yay! More on that later.

I'm gonna go jog in a few minutes and do some free weights. I'm trying to tone this post baby body for a beach trip that I'm going on with some of my girlfriends in a few weeks. Yay!

I hope you lovelies are having a fabulous start of the week! It's a fresh day...hmmm, I wonder what adventures we'll find on this pretty Monday? Time to attack the last remaining dimples and cellulite on this baby momma. ;)

Would so appreciate a click-a-roo below here from ya! Thanks loves!
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  1. Ha! The shot with the drool hanging off the letter is so precious. I love how much you trust that God is providing for you right now and enjoying family time. While I don't have a family yet and I'm thankfully employed, that kind of thinking is definitely something I can learn from:) Have a great week!

  2. Aw your little one is so sweet! My fiance was job hunting for maybe a month and a half a couple months ago, and I agree, it is the BEST! I felt like I should be stressing about it, but it was so nice to have all the time in the world with the three of us! It made it hard when he actually found a job!

  3. He is such a cutie. Glad you have peace, have been praying for that for you and Sam. Love, love.

  4. So... this means we have time for the Mac n Cheese! let me know when you want to do that. And I want to get me some drool-time! love that pic.

  5. Happy Monday to you!! Love the pics!!

  6. Pictures are so precious! :)

  7. You guys look like you have so much joy!

  8. I was unemployed for two months last summer. It was one of the best summers I've had since school! Obviously I spent two or three hours a day online and going to interviews & agencies, but once you've read every new job advert that day, you get to sit back and enjoy some time off. I'm glad you're getting extra family time in, and I'm sure hubby is over the moon, too :)

  9. We have foam bath square "flash cards" with letters on each one with a picture. Big fave in our house too!


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