
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Operation: Boho Bikini Body

I knew it would happen. I knew I couldn't stop it. I kept telling myself, the days are going to get warmer and eventually it's gonna be hot. So hot that you are going to want to jump in a pool and tan that lovely skin. But, that would mean wearing a bathing suit. Sure, I can wear a one piece, but I fell in love with bikinis two summers ago and I want to wear one this summer. I AM going to wear one this summer. Some of my girlfriends and I are planning an amazing beach trip get away around May, so the motivation levels have a nice goal time for me to continue to shoot for.

A couple of months ago, I put into practice what I decided to call my "Operation: Boho Bikini Body." Now, don't think getting into a bikini is the ONLY reason I'm working out, running and being aware of what I nibble on. No, but it is a dang good motivation tool for me when I don't feel like getting out of bed to go jog in the morning. Right? Seeing that I gained over 70 lbs. with my little Forest boy, I needed to do some toning and sculpting of my bod and have been, slowly. I don't have a scale yet, but I've been measuring my success by my clothes. I'm back in my jeans and skinny jeans and they are becoming looser and looser each week.

Thank God it's been warmer and sunny! That has allowed me to walk/jog with Káel almost everyday in our neighborhood. We have CRAZY hills that burn my butt like no body's business. We do about 4 miles solid every time. As long as it's not rainy outside, we are out there. For me with doing that several times a week, my whole lower body has slimmed down very noticeably. Those cellulite boogers on my legs that were brought on board during my pregnancy are starting to say adios and those tone long limbers that I remember are starting to look familiar again and are yelling hooooola baby!

I'll post again on my progress, along with all the highs and lows that come from this kinda of thing. Because face it, for a lot of lady loves, getting into shape before you had the bump was very much a different kind of experience compared to after having the bump. (Yeah, loose belly skin and all...)

This is the suit I'm shooting for this summer. Notice the high waist? Perfect for post baby bellies that are dead set on a two piece. My next post is going to be on baby belly skin and my first hand thoughts on how I'm planning to camo it while still feeling sexy in my swimwear.
Sand, waves and sun...we are going to be friends again this summer...just you wait and see.

So, saying that-My boys and I are now going to go for a jog on this gloriously spring like day.

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  1. I just bought that swim suit in red. I can't wait for it to arrive! You'll look gorgeous in it - post baby or not.

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
    Fanciful Brainstorm - Tumblr

  2. gosh, that is one cute two piece!
    walking. is. the. bomb. it's finally warm enough here to start walking again!! yes!

  3. Oh lady, feeling you on the extra skin...I gained 60lbs with Ocean (started at 120) but after 4 months I was down to my pre-baby weight and had lots of extra skin- last June I was 113 and still had that extra skin, not as much mind you...but not quite where I wanted to be.

  4. Ah! I've been drooling over the ModCloth swimsuits forever!

  5. Long time follower, first time commenter.

    At the risk of sounding creepy, where you in Baxter Village today? I saw a family that looked like you guys and I could have sworn it was you.

  6. beth-hmmmmm i don't know....if you saw a lady all made up and put together, then...oh yes. BUT, if you saw a girl with a crazy pony tail, no makeup, jogging clothes with a tall curly headed husband pushing a jogging no no. ;) haha yeah, that was us! saaawwweet that yo saw us! if you see us again hollar out!

  7. I just posted a blog about getting back into shape too.
    I didn't have a baby, but I did have surgery on my ankle and couldn't do anything for almost year.. I gained about 30 pounds from it and now
    I am trying to get in shape for my wedding!

    It does get really difficult at times especially when I find myself focusing on what I used to look like.
    I nearly had a break down the other day during workout, but when I realized how far I realized it would be worth it. is truly a love, hate relationship.


  8. my husband always says "Tan fat is better than white fat"

  9. hahaha! true statement mark. haha

  10. What a gorgeous swim suit! Love your taste.

  11. how do you jog with Kael? Do you put him in the stroller or in the moby?

  12. I am very much with you on all of it. I have been trying to keep my nibble no fat radar on and getting out of bed is impossible in the morning with two munchkins and a mommy who is exhausted. Keep it up though lady, you are a strong individual and you will look fab in that boho two piece!

  13. Yes our beach trip in two months has totally motivated me. I need to start working out more - wish I had the time to run! You inspire me.
    Love, love.

  14. Then I did see you guys! I was in front of you at a little place well known for their coffee. lol

    I would've said something then, but I didn't want to creep you guys out more. I kept turning and looking at the baby and then you two and then the baby again. Now that I think about it, I should've said something so I didn't look like a creepy parent-judging, baby-snatching woman or something. Sorry.

  15. I have that bathing suit in red! after three babies ( even though I dont have stretch marks or anything) its amazing. I feel so comfortable in that suit and always get complimented on it.

  16. Just had my little treasure a couple of months ago, don't think that I want to contemplate a suit for another year! UGH! But your pick is lovely.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  17. I haven't had a baby but I do love high waisted suits. They're the best!

  18. I'm just gonna let this swimsuit season go. Baby is due June 3 and I'm not stressing out about the poundage left behind. But next year? Look out.

  19. I just ordered the highwaisted scrunchie bikini bottom from Urban.
    Looks like THE BOMB.
    I'm highly anticipating that "stomach camo" blog post because despite loosing baby weight I have combination loose belly skin/stretch marks that look like old lady skin. No offense to old ladies, but I'm not one yet, and I don't approve of having my lower abs LOOK like that! :-P
    I'm also contemplating a mono-kini since it would cover that same area but still be hottness. :)

  20. I'm absolutely feeling you on this, girl! I've got at least 20 pounds to lose to be back to my pre-corporate bod, feeling good in a swimsuit (etc) again and fitting back into my beloved boho clothes that have been so neglected. It's been tough with so much to do post-layoff, but I really believe I can get back to feeling healthy, energetic and sexy, again. Here's hoping! Let's motivate each other, ladies! You know we all need it.



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