
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crawl Baby Crawl

Everyone says it happens fast. All the "before you know its" are knocking on my door and inviting themselves in it seems everyday. This week, my boy cut his first tooth, started getting on all fours without my help and doing the baby rock. He hasn't officially started crawling yet, but he's almost there. He scoots all over the place, mostly backwards. haha. The days where I could just leave him for a minute with a toy on the bed or a mat are...gone. His sweet little face looks so triumphant as he quickly grows like crazy into new things. He totally waves hello now. Um...where did he learn that? I didn't teach him. Hands down, 6 months is my absolutely FAVORITE age so far. My little handsome is quite the flirt. ;) He's always happy, talking, studying anything we do or that he does himself! Ha! When he gets in the crawling position, he tucks his head under to see what his legs are doing. It's so funny.

I took a few pictures yesterday as I was getting him dressed. I have to say, he's my little heart throb boy.

My little sweet boy,

I have never been more in love with you than I have been in the past couple of weeks. The moment I felt that tooth totally poking through and realizing that you hadn't been feeling good, I was amazed at how you barely showed any discomfort. You are so happy and so excited about everything we do or that you discover. I have to say, I have found myself holding and snuggling with you extra long at night as I put you to sleep. Oh, did you cry, you need me to hold you don't you? (Even though I realize that you probably don't and you would have put yourself back to sleep just as easily). I'm realizing that this time right now isn't going to last long. Soon you're going to be walking and running, falling and making messes. I guess my heart thinks (wishes) that if I hold you a little longer, then everything will slow down and that you'll always snuggle on my chest and your chubby rosy cheeks will always be mine to kiss. I'm so in love with you baby love. You are and will always be my little handsome. I'm having so much fun watching you grow.

Momma loves you.

baby skinny jeans: baby gap
amber teething necklace: etsy shop

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  1. such cuteness...your note made me tear up! kael is so blessed to have such a loving mommy!

  2. I think you're an amazing mommy. My eyes started to sting as I choked up reading your note to Kael. I have written out notes to my daughter and son both at that age because I realized time was flying by so fast, especially after my son because I can no longer have anymore babies. I watch them grow day after day and I try to hold on to them as long as they'll let me and kiss them as much as I can because I know when they hit that certain stage of "ucky mommy" get away- I will no longer be able to hold them or kiss them like I can now. They are 3 and my oldest will be 5 in July. HOLD ON, to the times you've got now, momma! He is so precious, and that necklace is so handsome on him. Lucky mommy and baby.

  3. My daughter's right there with your boy! She cut her first tooth yesterday! And has been getting up on all fours the last week too!

    Oh my! I had to smile at the little butt crack poking out of the jeans. If there's one thing you always see on my girl, it's a buttcrack! Haha. Sooo stinkin' cute!

  4. These are some of the cutest baby pictures I have ever seen! Seriously, SO DARLING. I need to get on my camera more, take some of my little one. Good work, mama!

  5. Hey Jessica! I saw that Kael has an amber teething necklace! Does it work for him? I am looking into getting one but I wanted to hear some feedback first.. Thanks!

  6. OMG! He is absolutely adorable!!! He looks like a hip little boho baby with his necklace and his skinny jeans. Your pics are amazing and your heart towards your son is beyond inspiring. I am so enjoying watching your life and seeing Kael grow. I just love your blog! Thank you for all that you share.

  7. I love his baby skinny jeans! His little booty crack is so cute! Ah...babies. :)

  8. That little baby crack shot! Ahh. He is such a handsome little man!

  9. Hi Jess! Just wanted to let you know that Kael is soo stinkin adorable!! Love the little skinny jeans and amber necklace...boy's got some style!

  10. I have the same feeling. Every new stage my son experiences I say "this is my favorite". He is 2 now and I love this stage too! Your little boy is so cute! I love your blog too!

  11. How are the amber teething necklaces working? I have been debating buying some on Etsy for my little one.

  12. so cute! i love that it looks like he's doin yoga ;o)

  13. photo number 1 is my favorite! i love it!! i am curious about the amber necklace, too. my little has her first two was a rough couple of days. so happy to see you are doing so well!

  14. ok, how perfect is he?? love!

  15. i love him so much.

  16. Oh Jess. Kael is getting cuter, and cuter every time you post pictures of him.

  17. No wonder you are so in love! He is just the sweetest looking, yoga-doing baby! :) Gorgeous pictures too! You are one talented lady! :)

  18. he is SO cute. Love that teething necklace, too :)

  19. Aw look at his little baby butt crack! Freakin' adorable. What a handsome little man!

  20. He is such an incredible little guy! ...and incredibly handsome to boot!

    I think it's so great that you're writing these little letters to Kael - he is absolutely going to cherish them someday! I just learned a year ago of a little notebook of letters my mom wrote to me when I was born. She they drastically decreased once I was a few months old and stopped at 6 mo, but it was so sweet getting a little peak of what my mom was like when she was my age and reminding me that even though we had a few rough years together, just how much I was/am loved.

    You are awesome :)

  21. you all are so sweet! <3 haha i love all the comments on the baby butt crack pic...i thought some other ladies might go crazy over that like i did. i couldn't not put it in there. AND his little yoga moves.... thanks for all the smiles girls.

  22. I think you should re-create this outfit every 5 or 10 years - he will be SO embarrassed when he's a teenager!

  23. How sweet! It looks like he is doing some yoga positions in some of the pictures. I can't wait until my little Ruby is at that stage.


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