
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Love From Yesterday

Two Valentine's ago, I was falling in love with a guy named Samuel. I was living in California, he was living in North Carolina. Long distance relationships can be tough on the heart strings, and believe me it was. But, fortunately I had a man that must have been related to one of those Pride and Prejudice guys... He would send me special love letters written on parchment paper with burnt edges, complete with a wax seal and everything. The week of this special love day, I got an extra special package in the mail. My Valentine's package contained a love letter and a little sea shell chest that had a lock on it...the key, no where to be seen. My letter, a series of several parchment hearts was heavenly and romantic, the box was a pretty mystery. Sam told me in the letter that he would let me know how and when to open it. Not telling me when that would be made my heart anxious and excited! I'll save the answer to the why and the when later including the contents inside the chest in a soon coming post. hehe.
On top of all that amazing romanticism from my poet of a love, he sent me a song that he had written and recorded for me. He sent it to my email right at midnight, the first moments of Valentines day. Of course, we were talking at midnight. I had school, which kept me busy all day and he had work. Yeah, that 3 hour time difference ate our lunch but, we didn't care. Our nights were spent over skype, all gushy-eyed and all. We would laugh, dream and scheme together. Talking about our day, etc...we would always end up staring at the screen, looking into each other's eyes - completely lost. *wink* Ok, enough of that, now it's time for you to listen to my song - one of many I might add that he has written for me. I'm pretty crazy about my lover man. I cried as I listened...

Of course, I went to school the next morning with a soaring heart. I was like a little song bird, in love telling all my girl friends and anyone and anything that had ears what my man had done for me. Sitting in class when we should have been listening to a lecture, we were whispering and swooning together. Aaaaah, *happy sigh* are so intriguing and have this way of overshadowing anything that is going on. It was fun yesterday to pull out the letters and re- listen to the love songs with my man. I love remembering...I hope you have enjoyed this little peek into our love past. There are more love stories to follow...
Sam came out to my graduation in California...we'd only have a few days together every few months.

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  1. oh em gee, jess! his voice is so beautiful! what a sweet story. xoxo

  2. That song was so beautiful. He is so talented. Lucky girl. =D

  3. That is so romantic!! So sweet!

  4. This makes me think about my relationship. I also was in a long distance one for a long time. It was very hard but letters and sweet gifts with love tugged my heart constantly. Very cute story!

  5. I hope it's not weird, but I have had this song on repeat at least 5 times now.... :)

  6. Wow, you are so beautiful in that self portrait. The sea-shell chest is amazing. You are a beautiful couple. Lucky in love :) And lucky as parents! :D

  7. Jessica, you are so incredibly lucky and blessed!! My heart soars and aches at once for you and your love. I wish you both continued bliss in each other for all your lives. I pray God will bless my life with this kind of love.

    Things are really rough for my love and I right now. It does a heart good knowing this beauty exists in the world.

    Thank you <3

  8. This guys making me look bad. I'll have to make sure my wife never reads this!

  9. I remember those times very well, as we would wait for you to be done to watch a movie or late night talks through the wall, oh yes.. How could anyone miss the gushiness...

  10. so beautiful and romantic! how did you two meet?

  11. Jess- make sure you save every letter or note he writes to you! Kael and all future Gatlyn bambino's will enjoy reading those when they are older. I would stick my husbands notes to me on the door to the pantry so I could look at them during the day. I removed them the other day to place them in a scrapbook, and my 19 year old wanted to know why I was taking them down. Little did I know that my boys (19 and 23) appreciate these little notes as much as I do!

  12. I love seeing other couples in love! Sigh... I remember the "skype days" all too well with my husband as well when we were dating. We spent countless hours talking and dreaming. : ) It is nice to be married now, isn't it?


  13. sigh... i wish i could find a love like yours.

  14. Jess, what camera do you use? I have one that was kinda expensive but it is horrible with indoor light and I can't capture fantastic little one shots.

  15. So Jess, I'm curious about your camera too. What model is it? Our family is old friends of all the Gatlyns. I enjoy your blog very much. My husband & I had a long distance romance (before cell phones & skype). We still have all of our old love letters & probably every single note/card we have ever written to each other as husband & wife too. We're happy to say that we've been married over 30 years now :-) You can never have too much "mush" or romance!

  16. I actually had a long distance relationship for awhile when I was living in CA and my guy was living in NC! It is hard, good for you for making it work! Sweet story.

  17. i loved this! i too was in a long distance relationship with my man...who is now my husband! he lived in florida, and i in california. we are both in florida now =)


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