
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dinner Talk

I have very exciting news! Right after we made this little clip last night...Káel looked at Sam and SAID "DA DA"!!! Aaaaaahh!!! It was THE coolest thing! He just started doing this intense baby talk on Thursday night. While I was with my girlfriends, Sam sent me a video of him being put to bed, just jibber jabbering away. Makes my heart have so many warm and fuzzies. Sam was quite the proud daddy knowing that his boy's first words were "dada". ;) The last few days I've noticed Káel likes to talk after his morning nap and right before bed. Oh, by the way...excuse the pink bumbo chair, we thought we were buying green. We got home and low and behold, pink. We have never stopped to take it back. So, yeah. haha. It's been kinda a hard week so Forest boy's little conversations have been the best thing for my heart. Eeee! I love my boy. Enjoy.


  1. How cute is that. Awww I can't wait to have a baby!

  2. He is so darn smart!

  3. I just watched this video with Ella sitting in my lap and she kept talking to Kael. Then towards the end she looked at me with a HUGE smile on her face, pointed at the screen and goes, "Mama, Baby! Hi!" it was so cute! so Ella says Hi to little Kael! =)

  4. awwwwwwwwwwww that is soooo cute! blogging baby buddies! :)

  5. He is too freakin' cute!! Love your blog!

  6. aww he is so sweet!! how exciting :)

  7. oh and I love your blog buttons! totally snagging one :)

  8. OH my gosh, so cute! I wish my little lady liked sitting in her bumbo more... she gets all spent after about 5 minutes and cries to get out lol.

    I love baby talk! <3

  9. I have just came across your blog. I found it through your husbands blog. I love your story. I would love to hear more. Also I love you guys music style and passion for our Jesus.I own a coffee shop and music venue. Do you guys ever play out.

  10. oh my, too adorable! my little guy is starting the baby talk thing too...
    love it! :)

  11. Awww how adorable! I love baby talk. It's good for my heart!

  12. Awwww! How cute and he is so serious talking like he is saying something really meaningful. Too bad one cant understand him :))

  13. hhahahah oo man i love his face after the slip of the fingers in his mouth! tooooo cute!!!!


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