
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Date Night: The Civil Wars

So Wednesday, if you follow my twitter, you saw that a miracle of amazingness happened in my little life. The Civil Wars, one of my absolutely favorite bands to date, came to town. I was going to buy tickets for Sam and I but we decided to move the week I was set to buy them and I forgot. :( I was heartbroken when I realized they were all sold out. I couldn't find any tickets anywhere. I just gave up. Early last week I was on my twitter feed and saw that they had tweeted a link to boho baby bump! AH! What?! Then on their facebook fan page as well! They posted the link to my "Tunes & Such" post, where I featured their Barton Hollow music video. Oh my gosh. I was freaking out. I'm not usually the star struck kind of person at all...but I respect their musical heavenliness so much I can't help it.

My parents, without me knowing it had called the owner of the venue where they were going to be playing at and found 2 tickets. When she called me to tell me she had a surprise for me, I squealed! I called my good friend Christina and she was able to watch little man! Yay.

We were able to find good seats and enjoyed the amazing melodies of Lucy Schwartz, who I got to talk to a bit afterwards. She is phenomenal. I love her. Then we were sung to heaven by The Civil Wars' flawless harmonies. We even got to hear 2 brand spankin' new songs! Sam and I laughed so hard as they bantered back and forth. I wanted to meet them so bad, but we had to leave and pick up Káel right when they finished. They were still back stage as we were walking out the door. All of a sudden, we practically walked into them! I was able to meet them and talk to Joy for a bit...she knew who I was from the link they posted! Um...AH! She was super sweet. Yeah...I was pretty much on cloud 9. Yes, as cheesy as it is...I wanted a picture with them. I don't care! I had A BLAST! There is something so magical about enjoying music that skilled and good in person. My soul was flying. One of my favorite nights to date.

it's super blurry...but I wanted to post it anyways. ;)

Don't forget to check out our Giveaway this month! Click HERE.


  1. that's SO cool! and what a treat to get to meet them :)

  2. :D I'm SOOOOOO excited it worked out and you had an amazing time! I'm a longtime Joy Williams fan, so I posted your link on HER FB page the day you posted it.

    Um, in case you hadn't noticed, your King reaaaaaally loves you. ;) Tee-hee. :P

  3. What an awesome experience :)

  4. How cool! I have been following Joy's music since 2002 and when her and John Paul started up, I was so excited! I am going to their concert on April 2nd in Ann Arbor. CANNOT WAIT.

  5. Ack, that's so awesome! :D I love seeing little happy miracles like this happen! yay*

  6. I had never heard of The Civil Wars until your posts. Now I'm addicted! Love it! :)


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