
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blue-eyed Boy

My little boy is 4 months and a couple weeks old. How did that happen so fast? He's gotten so big. He's talking to himself right now in the other room. He sounds like he has happy thoughts this morning. Sam's packing the kitchen and I'm about to pack up the bathroom and Káel's little abode. So excited about moving this week. Little Forest boy has reached an age where he can sort of interact with other little kids around his age. It's so cute. A play day mostly involves him and his little friend staring at each other's toys, or hitting/trying to grab each other's face while playing on the floor. But all the while with smiles.

Some of my stay at home mommy friends and I have all started having play days together, switching up houses every week and having an excuse to get out of our casas and have some good girl/baby time.

Little boy's eyes have gotten more crystal blue as of late. They are so pretty. (Yes, son...I called your eyes pretty, someday some sweet girl will think so too.) ;)

He's our little buddy and we are so in love with him.

He grabs his toes all the time and chews on them.
He constantly has a stream of drool pouring from his little mouth.
He loves to scooch himself off of where we put him.
He almost never sits still anymore.
He now scarfs down rice cereal and apples like he's never eaten in his life. haha
He LOVES music, watching people play instruments and singing.

My boy is growing so fast.


  1. EEKK! He is so darling. I love all the photos.

  2. Also, thanks for "grabbing my badge"! But the link didn't work. Maybe I pasted the code wrong on my page? I am really inept at these things. ;)

  3. Aweosme! I have a blue eyed baby boy of my own. Easton Samuel! He will be 4 months this Sat.the 22nd. Well, he is actually my 2nd blue eyed boy......Josiah Seth, my soon to be 9 year old. I also have a soon to be 8 year old, Jeremiah Stephen, he's my hazel eyed boy. :) Three them!!

  4. SUCH a cutie...and yes, his eyes are gorgeous!

  5. Ok fixed the code. Sorry about that. It's right on my page now in the little box.
    Also, I just noticed your wrap/baby sling in the last photo. The print is gorgeous!! And his little smile is amazing.

  6. So nice to hear you are happy to move :) Hope it's an amazing home!

  7. Oh Jess, it goes by way too quickly, doesn't it? i can't believe Kael is four months old already. i feel like i just read the post of his birth announcement! he's so handsome, and looks a lot like you. :) you're doing such an amazing job, and what a blessing you all are to one another.

  8. his eyes are just so gorgeous! and I love that hat, so cute :)


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