
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Before Bump Journeys

I was looking through my old photo albums of all the trips I've taken in the past 7 or so years and thought that I might just share some of them with you dearies. :) The majority of you only know me from bump on. Others, might have seen my wedding video or heard my proposal story. That being said, I thought you might like to take a peak into my journeys the last several years before all that goodness started. Traveling is a passion of my heart and something that is important to me. I LOVE it! I'll begin with my most recent overseas travels and work my way back. I hope you guys enjoy the pics. They made me smile with memories. Maybe this week, take a look back through your albums and see all the places you've been and/or the times you've experienced and created.

I have to warn you, there are ton of pics in this post. Enjoy.

Israel (my 4th trip)
sam and i were dating during this trip and he was soon to surprise me 3 days into it and propose to me on the beach...i was traveling with my school.
i gave my girlfriends matching sharpie tattoos on the plane and layover in london. they each had 2 pomegranates and a word in a pretty script that described them best.
my friends...trying to entertain ourselves for the loooong ride.

one of the back ways into jerusalem via yaffa gate

3 days into our trip, we all went to the beach...someone special was waiting there for me. I had NO idea Sam was there. I thought he was working at a youth retreat in the states. Best surprise of my life. i had a friend film me so i could make a surprise video for samuel...they knew what was going to happen. i was clueless. i go on and on about a cool experience i had with God on the video then BAM my love shows up. if you want to watch the whole thing, you can click HERE. dreams do come true.

sam had proposed the day before. we spent the next 2 days in jerusalem, picking out wedding bands and exploring.

Yaffa, Israel enjoying the coast before our day came to a close
some friends and i decided to not only climb up the ancient ruins of masada but to jog up them. yes, i actually did it...and i felt like i was going to die afterwards. haha one of my favs.

stopping for a bit to play some tunes with my friend from england, sammy ted

the dead sea...mud.

temple mount, jerusalem


  1. Thank you for posting some of your pictures! You know that Israel is deep in my heart so I always love seeing pictures from the Land. I've been blessed to be able to travel to Israel 30 times and live there for 3 years! And guess what? I can't wait to go again!! Maybe someday we'll be there at the same time! I love the picture of you sitting in the Old City - you're so beautiful!! Love you and Sammy!

  2. Israel is somewhere I have always been interested in traveling to. These are wonderful photos. How lovely that your engagement is caught on film? Look forward to more of this 'series'

  3. Wow, these are great pictures, thanks for sharing! Looking forward to seeing some more of your trips :)

  4. Love these!!! Have I mentioned I LOVE your crazy style?! God willing we are going to Israel this year!!! Ah!!!

  5. I can't wait to go to Israel!!! thanks for the preview and the stories. Love you friend.

  6. Love it! It's always intresting to get a peak into what makes someone who they are.

  7. OH My GOD! That video had me bawling, really. Beautiful! What a wonderful thing to have.

  8. LOVE the proposal video! i cried. love your blog

  9. These pictures are awesome. Reminds me of my days traveling with now hubby before kids. That's an awesome engagement you'll always have the share with your kids. Very romantic.

    By the way, your hair rocks!

  10. my husband went to Israel before I met him for 6 months and stayed in a kibbutz. i would love to go someday

  11. I watched the video of your proposal and really teared up. How cool of the Lord to put that on your heart and then to bless you like that. Great pictures of your pre-baby days. My kids look at my pictures and laugh at the European travels I used to do :)I've always wanted to go to Israel and walk where my Lord walked. My husband and I hope to take our five kids there some day.

  12. Those sharpie tattoos are incredibly beautiful! I've been trying to design a real one for ages... maybe I should get you to do it! :)

  13. annie-thanks! yeah...i've designed them for other people before. it's kind of a hidden passion of mine. :)

  14. Ahh :) I love the photos! I watched your wedding video on Amy's page after she got tagged in it and it started me dreaming more for my own wedding one day :)

  15. you are such a hippie! ;) I love this post.

  16. I love this post. Absolutely beautiful, romantic and inspiring.
    I left you an award at my blog!


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