
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Beautiful Someone Sunday

Ladies, friends and dears, I'm hoping you are enjoying my more frequent postings. I feel like I finally got over the hump of motivation. I've been leveling out my time in a way more efficient manor, which is giving me more time to blog. I have been looking forward to the second installment into A Beautiful Someone Sunday all week! Enjoy the faces of friends, old friends, new friends and special loves.

Being a boho is more than just having a free spirit in your style, it's who you are and how you infect your lifestyle with inspiration from those around you. You grab thoughts and ideas from different cultures, textures, colors and all that sings to your soul. You take it and turn it into something unique and beautiful. You're not boxed in with the way things "should" be but, dream how things could and can be from fashion, decor and the way you see life. I hope you're inspired by these boho beauties as you take a peek into their hearts.

miss anna
(wife, artist, blogger & mommy)
Charlotte, NC

what would be your perfect day:
My perfect lazy day would be being at the beach when the weather is just right, with a stocked refrigerator (so I don’t have to cook), no questions, phone calls or tears. A big blanket, a porch, cup of something wonderful, fresh clean notebooks and perfect new pens, a good book, stack of magazines, bike ride, swim and seafood. Oh, and I’m still wearing my bathing suit & blanket from the day before because I am that relaxed.

what do you like to create and why?
Anything & Everything. I make baby things a lot right now because they are so cute, and smaller so they don’t take as much time. I also enjoy making up recipes, if they turn out. But my current big project is a collection of photographic prints & cards of household things, whimsical places, vintage items for inspiration boards etc… When I’m finished I’m going to open an online store for them. Want to see one?

what is a crazy dream/desire you have for yourself one day?
I would have a French-style farmhouse with a wedding venue bed & breakfast on a beautiful piece of land. An art-craft studio, a huge farm table where 30 people can eat together at a time, a kitchen with lots of natural light and a swinging door, tall ceilings and windows everywhere. For my blog to get picked up and turn into an online magazine, have a boutique storefront and small apartment in the city and be an established designer & author and creative-do-good-er. And children running around outside with pig tails and bare feet.

what inspires your lovely self?
Time alone, silence, a good walk in nature, Springtime, good music and a notebook, new office supplies, magazines… Sometimes I like to just sit and ponder thoughts toward God.
check out anna's inspiring blog here
(artist, friend, dreamer)

(wife, friend & creator of beautiful things)
Charlotte, NC
your perfect day?
sleepin' in with my man, makin' breakfast together, walkin to Noda market for lunch, taking some sort of adventure together, then relaxing and watching a movie!

what do you like to create and why?
My creative side is doing hair. I love to transform. I find it so much fun to transform a look, from a little change, to a complete makeover! Its so fun to bring a fresh view for someone trying to find change,to show them a new side they've never seen.
I've always seen myself as a creative person. I'm not a painter, a musician, a dancer or anything like that really. But, I like to dabble in photography, diy crafts. I love decorating my home, cooking... and so much more. They all are fun little hobbies that I enjoy. I'm always looking for new creative outlets for myself, and I believe 2011 is going to bring me some new things to conquer!

what is a creative dream/desire you have for yourself one day?
I've always had this little dream to own some sort of place of community. At 13 it was a coffee shop, at 14 I wanted a 24 hour "living room" where people could just hang out... over the years that dream has died and then been reborn in different ways. As of late I always dream about owning a bed and breakfast! Not a typical one... think, bed and breakfast/hostel/shelter for poor starving artists.. :)
Our home is already constantly filled with visitors every weekend who are out of town for music, and projects. So, it kind of already happens. But, I'd love to have more rooms, so more people could stay. We'd provide meals, community, a place to stay, and i cant imagine how many new friends we'd make! When I start to think about it I get really excited and think of all these ideas that could go hand and hand with it.
I also secretly have always dreamed of being in a band... but i figured that one was less realistic :) hah

what inspires your lovely self?
Music, photos, blogs, lookbooks, my friends. I'm always saving pictures, I have a binder I've kept for years that I tear out photos, or articles and jot all over it ideas and things that I like about them. Now, I keep a folder on my computer filled with haircuts, cities, outfits, living rooms, anything and everything. I always look through these when I'm having an un- creative day, or can't think of what to wear. :)

check out charis' cool blogHERE

the too beautiful and amazing, miss candace
(friend, dreamer, world changer)
San Fransisco, California

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  1. Goodness I love this post! Probably because I love Anna and Charis so much. Wonderful to hear about their hopes and dreams. I can't wait for the next installment of this!

  2. I love how we never know what we will find on your blog Jess! It is alway joyous, unique, and inspirational! XOXO

  3. Thanks for sharing! It's been fun looking through their blogs :) And I like the questions you asked, especially the crazy dream one. Everyone needs a crazy dream :)

  4. i loev this idea that you have here. I also love all of your posts Jess they are very awesome!


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