
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Traveling and Thankfulness

Well, good Lord it took me long enough! I finally got our Dallas Thanksgiving pics up. I had planned on getting these up the day after turkey and dressing but...I just couldn't stay focused long enough to upload all the pics. Traveling with a baby has been more time consuming than a typical vacation. I was just talking with a girl friend of mine and we agreed, that a "vacation" when venturing out of your normal abode isn't really a vacation. It's just getting away.

Little man was AMAZING on our flights. He slept like a champ, all cuddled in his Moby Wrap. I had heard all these horror stories about going through security but we had nothing but the best and easiest experience we've ever had. And the day before Thanksgiving at that! Samuel and I agreed, flying with a baby is the way to go. You get to cut to the front of the security line and board the plane first. Well, at least-this stage. I suppose we'll cross the bridge of toddler traveling when it comes our way.

We flew to Dallas with my in-laws, Don and Debi, Sam's folks and Brandon and Beka (Sam's sister and hubby). My mom met us at the airport and was ellated to hold her little grandbaby boy again. It had been about 2 months since she had seen him.
Káel enjoyed watching some music videos while on the last stretch of the flight.

When we landed, our crew of ladies, my mom, aunt and cousins ventured out to WholeFoods, an organic grocery store, to get the last little things to make our turkey day complete. It was the most fun time ever. We laughed down the aisles and made glorious fools of ourselves.

This is a fruit called "Buddha's Hand" and it's used for zest and a centerpiece. It's kinda like the rind of a lemon...but weirder. If you're wondering if we actually bought that strange specimen for our Thanksgiving meal, the sad answer is no. We totally should have though. haha

My mom's laugh is so infectious. We were pretty crazy.

WholeFoods has a huge section of Toms and yes, we all got treated to a new pair! No, I sadly didn't get these-I got some amazing brown cord Toms. But I thought these deserved a picture. Drool.

The moms.

My dad was completely smitten by our little Forest friend. I absolutely LOVED watching him melt every time he held Káel.

My cousins, Sarah and Heather are more like little sisters to me than cousins. We have always been SUPER d'duper close growing up. So, it was pretty sweet to see them love on my little dreamer. My Aunt Jac had the most magic touch with him!

My mom pretty much bought out the baby supply store before we came. Káel found all sorts of new goodies awaiting him when we arrived at their house. He LOVED his new bumbo chair.

Football with grandpa.

He loved his Uncle Larry.

The ladies of the house prepared the yummiest feast ever!

a beka photo

Growing up, our Thanksgivings have always been my fav. Laughing is the main course of choice, followed by intense Dallas Cowboy Football cheering. Thankfully the game was good and kept us on our toes. (Even though, sad to say - we lost.) :(

thanks for the pic becks
Red lipstick and I, made friends this holiday. (I think it's the bangs.) A spontaneous glossing of red found it's way onto my lips right before the festivities began and I kinda liked it.

Dress: Ruche
Scarf: A find on the streets of Jerusalem, Israel
Vintage Leaf Broach: Etsy (I've found a new obsession, BROACHES!)
Lock and Key ear-bobs: my little creation

beka took this one too
My sister-in-love decided to join in the fun and be twinsies with me, so on the red lipstick went. Making for a glamorous feel and lip-marked tea glasses. ;)

and this one

As I mentioned, football is a big deal to my family. We being natives of Dallas, Texas - it would pretty much be sacrilegious if we weren't Cowboy fans. Káel rather enjoyed his first Turkey day. I love being a mom, with all it's adjustments. He had a hard time napping and sleeping in general. I think there was so much going on he didn't want to miss anything.

Our week was so wonderful. I'm thankful for all it's goodness.


  1. Loved seeing the pics of everyone having such a good time!

  2. It looks like you had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!!

  3. Looks like a fabulous Thanksgiving. I miss Whole Foods. We moved a small town with just Wal-Mart and another grocery store. We have lots of organic options but nothing as cool as a grocery store with TOM'S!

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  4. Haha! We recently saw the Buddha's Hand Lemon in our Whole Foods and my husband was like, "Stop! Get a picture of me with it!" We got some goofy looks with the goofy worth it, huh? =)

  5. So wonderful to see that! I love how you can her Sister-in-love.

  6. It looks like you all had a great time and your little boy is adorable!!

    The Sweetest Life

  7. Love those Toms.
    That fruit is crazy, wonder what it tastes like?

  8. Looks like so much fun :) Thanks for sharing!

  9. hey, that's my whole foods! absolutely gorgeous, isn't it? i feel so good when i'm there.

  10. i'm jealous of your whole foods too!!

    loved your glad you had a great thanksgiving and also great travel with your babe!! We're headed back to the states for 3 months on monday and i'm hoping Asher does okay on the flights...we travel a ton so the other kids are used to it, but obviously for a 15mo. old, it's hard to sit still!

  11. Awww, so glad you are back! We have missed not hearing you lovely sharings! PLEASE write more often if you can. You are truly a bright ray of sunshine!

    Love your family fun here. So beautiful.

    A loving fan

  12. Can I just say, I have that exact same boppy? *high five* lol!!

    You have a lovely family. Thank you for the reminders of true importance.

  13. Yay! I just found your blog- its great! :) I'm following along :)

    Feel free to check out mine & follow along!

  14. You look radiant and your little guy is ADORBZ!

  15. I have those Toms. Love them.

    My son has those same target thermal jammies as yours. Love them

    Basically, we r like tom-loving, target-shopping twins.

    I just found ur blog. Excied to follow!

  16. Hi ! I love looking at your blog every chance I get! I have a blog that u might like to look at ! It's: Hope u have great day! God bless you and your family!

  17. This looks so wonderful!!! So glad you had such an amazing thanksgiving! And you are so lovely!


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